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bucketofnope42 t1_j24hzsa wrote

There it is, 930am and I already know in my heart of hearts this is the dumbest thing I will read all day.

OP please step off your edgelord crate and accept the fact you will die alone.


Ophiomancy_Xaxax OP t1_j26zutc wrote

Edgelord, holy shit. Like this whole thing was to offend somebody and not just point out the goofy nature of the fact that so many people won't use one of their hands. This whole thing started because a guy was in a knife sub trying to buy a whole nother $80 knife so he could flick it open with his middle finger, when there was already the tab to flick it open with if he would just use his other hand, which was too big of an imposition for him, and was worth at least 80 bucks to him to not have to use his left hand.

If he had simply use his left hand, like a human probably ought to, there's a four syllable label for that. But if he goes and spends another $80 because he can't use his left hand ... look if you showed up to a job and you're a guy with one arm, you're disabled .
All these other people are basically one armed men who just happened to have the second arm still swinging around never doing anything useful. If they're not disabled, what are they? I'm open to different terminology, but there is some denial there if they're half broken and don't acknowledge it.