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StaleTheBread OP t1_j1ykt8l wrote

You never know. And it’s not like that would be an easy thing to predict.


pleasegivemealife t1_j1yqseh wrote

Well if he created the first photo he must be smart enough to understand. If not they all will be subject to the Spanish inquisition.


StaleTheBread OP t1_j1yv7fj wrote

It wasn’t necessarily the first person to make a color photo who first saw it. And I’m not saying like 100% fully believe the person is possessed.


Fangore t1_j207sht wrote

You think for colour photos, the scientists took one and thought "fuck it good enough to take out to the public." There were probably months, if not years of testing. Somewhere in that time, they def came across this issue.


StaleTheBread OP t1_j2081tg wrote

Oh good point. Thanks for pointing that out. I guess I at least though a scientist would be like “Jesus, what is with your eyes!” But that’s while they’re also testing anyway so they’ve probably seen worse stuff already. Also I didn’t consider how creepy negatives are already.


phenixreborn t1_j20lr1a wrote

I dont understand why you are getting so many downvotes, its a funny concept


StaleTheBread OP t1_j20m2ft wrote

Thanks. And there’s much dumber things people post on this sub. They probably get their fair share of corrections though.

Oh, and remember when people used to say “when you wish upon a star, that star is billions of light years away and is dead by now.”? That was so easily disprovable but it went around the internet so much


MrNobody_0 t1_j20b93m wrote

It's amazing how easy things are to predict when you understand the science behind it.


StaleTheBread OP t1_j20dyi5 wrote

Yeah. But a lot of times science is like “whoa, that’s freaky! I wonder why that happens”


nofmxc t1_j20iyur wrote

Wow, this comment section really turned on OP...


StaleTheBread OP t1_j20jptx wrote


1600 upvotes for the post and most of my comments in the negatives lol. I guess only people who wanna correct me go into the comments.

And they took it so literally lol