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Sacrifice_Starlight t1_j289se1 wrote

Sadly 99.999% of it can't be tapped since it is outside of their delivery area.


jdcmurphy22 t1_j28aswb wrote

Tourism to Romania just increased by 700%.


Buttgoast t1_j28d8bf wrote

Seven tourists next year? Hell yeah


jdcmurphy22 t1_j28dee5 wrote

For Romania that could be quite the economical stimulation.


jacharcus t1_j28fhy3 wrote

C'mon man, we might be one of the poorer EU countries, but we're the 8th economy in the EU by GDP PPP and a somewhat large country...Tate was pretty stupid to think Romania is some sort of god forsaken place where he can do as he pleases...I was hoping he'd get deported but this is so much better


jdcmurphy22 t1_j28fvcm wrote

I should of specified economic stimulation outside of tourist already from the EU, but Tate was definitely a cornball here. Wasn't calling Romania poor by any means, just vast.


Ultraviolet_Motion t1_j290qnt wrote

Should've or should have, never should of.


Gerrut_batsbak t1_j297fuk wrote

The auto correct should definitely be screaming bloody murder upon seeing this written. It hurts my soul and fills my heart with anger.


Muzzy637 t1_j29kinq wrote

I’m trying to create a sentence where “should of” is ever correct grammar and I can’t do it.


sunshinelollipoops t1_j28e2nt wrote

Alright everyone get on the plane, we're getting some pizza and stimulation


its-not-me_its-you_ t1_j28engr wrote

Romania has incredibly picturesque mountains and forests which draws a lot of hikers, mountain and trail bikers, and horse riders, and 4x4s and is also a very popular wedding destination. Their black sea resort towns are also very popular with Eastern Europeans in summer.


jbergens t1_j2ar3qq wrote

You're crazy, you get arrested there!


Sacrifice_Starlight t1_j28pi1s wrote

Okay so 99.9989% I'm going to assume nobody saw Andrew Tate's box of pizza and hopped on the next available flight to Romania


Ren_Hoek t1_j29nxm2 wrote

Unless the pizza chain/shop owners are asleep, they need to jump on this. World renowned Jerry's Pizza, so good people are going to prison for it.