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Telemere125 t1_j2e5mvu wrote

Meh, average temps in that area of the world in late Dec are lows of 40 and highs of 60. That’s perfect weather to have sheep in a field. Not saying the timeline is correct, but that argument isn’t why


itay162 t1_j2f30pq wrote

Also winter is the rainy season here, and that's when the grass grows


PeaAffectionate5667 t1_j2e98hv wrote

Even 2000 years ago?


Addicted_To_Lazyness t1_j2edivj wrote

Some parts of the world might have changed a little but overall it takes way more than 2000 years for the world's climate to drastically change naturally


WiartonWilly t1_j2fg202 wrote

The Middle East was green and wet 2000 years ago. Now it’s a desert.


Addicted_To_Lazyness t1_j2fmnks wrote

Yup that's what i said, some parts changed a lot but the planet (especially temperature-wise) is overall the same