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PrettyText t1_j2dd2bh wrote

This is always so weird to me.

We're not living in the Soviet Union, where women's clothing don't have pockets because the communist party determines what kind of clothing gets made.

If women indeed desperately want clothing with pockets and if indeed it's simply not really available, then just start your own company and you'll probably be a millionaire in a decade.

This sounds to me more like women say they want pockets, but then when they're actually in the store they prioritize other things over pockets.

It's a bit like how people say that they want more leg room during their flight, but then in practice they always book the cheapest flight instead.


tempodad t1_j2djl5q wrote

Dude… there’s no way anyone could just start a clothing company… You have no idea how long it takes and hard it is to make a business. And it’s really expensive too. People don’t get paid enough to even afford jeans let alone make a business just so they can have pockets.

And wdym women prioritize other things than pockets?? How can we do that? NONE of our clothes have big pockets, it’s not like we saw all the ones with big pockets and decided to get the small ones instead. It’s the clothing industry and the reason why is because they market purses towards women. If women had big pockets they wouldn’t need purses. That’s it.