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lord_darth_Dan t1_j1ywyfs wrote

Probably over 50% of clocks in existence are never right, technically


[deleted] t1_j1z36gc wrote

Considering timezones, every working clock is right, but somes are just misplaced.


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MinFootspace t1_j1z09ri wrote

A broken clock can be wrong all the time too. How many of them display for example the minute hand on the 6 and the hour hand right on a number...


funkmasta8 t1_j22oab8 wrote

Generally when people read clocks they just round the hour hand down. Also, some clocks (especially older ones) don’t gradually move the hour hand, making your point work for only some clocks.

I think the essence of the saying is that a clock represents a time based on how we read it and if the time isn’t changing on the clock then it is correct twice a day.


PepperPrinterPupper t1_j1z57ys wrote

Even if it is set correct initially, in most places it will be wrong half of the year...daylight savings.


lr_science t1_j1zapd6 wrote

root mean squared error is lower though compared to a stopped clock (assuming it’s less than 3 hopes off)


luv-it t1_j21vbgz wrote

This wit only works for analog, not digital. Soon, no one will know what time it is even with a clock because they only know digital, lol.

And cursive will become a secret language.


funkmasta8 t1_j22ofd4 wrote

Cursive almost already is a secret language. I can’t tell you how many people can’t read my cursive and those who can read it say it’s some of the neatest they’ve seen