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IrishFlukey t1_j2f0e1l wrote

Wrong. On New Year's Day there may be still people in the year before yours and on New Year's Eve there may be people in the year after yours. So that is two days in the year that it happens.


hazedday t1_j2eye4s wrote

You can scale that up or down as you want

Only one day every week... Only one day every month... Only one day every decade/score/century/millennium...

I was there for that millennium day... won't happen again for many generations


Youpunyhumans t1_j2f98p0 wrote

Not quite, there are some religions/cultures that have different calenders entirely. The current Hebrew year is 5783, while the Islamic year is 1444.


Umpteenth_zebra t1_j2f9o5x wrote

What does Islam count from?


Youpunyhumans t1_j2fa5sg wrote

From when Muhammed migrated from Mecca to Medina, or at least thats what google says. Im no expert on this stuff though, thats just what google tells me.


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