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Showerthoughts_Mod t1_j1v9oan wrote

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-here-to-help- t1_j1vciks wrote

This just perfectly sums up the paradoxical intricacies of the human experience.


SuperCub t1_j1vfcas wrote

There’s a leather store in Wilton Manors, FL that you can get naked in to try on the leather and other sexy clothes. Workers can choose to be as naked as they want to be too.

But yes, you’d have to wear some clothes to travel to that store.


OfficialDeathScythe t1_j1vfo37 wrote

Technically you could just use a tablecloth or a trash bag. And it’s only really a requirement if anybody says anything ;)


foozballisdevil t1_j1vibc4 wrote

Only shoes and shirts... Nowhere does it say I have to wear pants.


Picholasido_o t1_j1vkm0k wrote

At some point somewhere in your family, the last homespun piece of clothing was created and worn in order to go out and buy another one from a store


mvfsullivan t1_j1vokru wrote

People before clothes were invented also need leaves to go to the leaf stores


artrald-7083 t1_j1vqel4 wrote

Mr. Bezos' Suffering Machine will turn human misery into clothes for you and bring them to your door, you know.


kyunirider t1_j1vt859 wrote

Yes thank your mom for that or the nice person who made sure you had the clothes on your back that you went shopping for your own clothes the first time.

My parents did that for me. I did that for my children and other children too.


Ok_Elk_4333 t1_j1vvwbf wrote

OP suffering by conforming to social norms. I still remember the old days when our mother would herd us all in the car to go naked mall shopping on Saturday


Klin24 t1_j1vxq1f wrote

Not when I buy clothes from Amazon. They let you try them on and return for free.


cyankitten t1_j1vxukd wrote

Honestly, sometimes for brief periods of time I think argh I wish I could just go to the shops naked. Like when I’m in a nightie or pjs and I have to change bra on coat and all that on. BUT then I think well it would be uncomfortable eg barefoot, what if it’s cold. (I mean if we were allowed to this is what I mean) and then also as well as not wanting everyone else to have to put up with my wobbly bits I’m glad I don’t have to put up with everyone else’s wobbly bits and glad I don’t live in a nudist colony!


ScorpionTheSandwing t1_j1vxyug wrote

I mean, you can probably use just anything that would cover you up, it doesn’t need to be real clothes


cyankitten t1_j1vy3cp wrote

I literally put on certain types of clothes TO GO CLOTHES SHOPPING. Like sometimes no or minimal jewellery, things easy to take off, also I tend to try to wear things I’ll probably wear the clothes with: like I wear a lot of tops or tunics over tights and with a long sleeved top under it. So I usually make sure I’m wearing that when I clothes shop.


sunnydaysahead2022 t1_j1vzd1l wrote

Not with Nordstrom.

That app is awesome.

Free shipping and free returns.


SamSzmith t1_j1vzz89 wrote

I haven't really gone in to a clothes store to buy clothes in a long time, the closest has been to try on shoes to see what size I needed to buy online.


blue4t t1_j1w2tdq wrote

More like you are required to have access to fabric that covers your privates.


Other_Mike t1_j1w3hsv wrote

I once rode my bike 50 miles to have Thanksgiving at my fiancee's family's place, but neglected to account for clothes. My future MIL took me to Kohls and I picked out a few new sets of work clothes while wearing cycling spandex and bicycle cleats.


No-Cover-8986 t1_j1w3k5f wrote

I go clothes shopping while naked, all the time. It's called the "Internet." 😄


Thatotherguy246 t1_j1w3r0j wrote

Everybody gangsta until sentient robots are a thing and you have to take them to the clothing store in a blanket or something because you don't have any clothes that fit them.


Shnarf1980 t1_j1w40iy wrote

Not true. Just Walk into a biker bar and tell them you need their clothes. And motorcycle.


tommytraddles t1_j1w86jm wrote

I was returning some pants. I took a short cut in a subway tunnel and fell in some mud, ruining my pants. The very pants I was returning.

I don't understand - you were wearing the pants you were returning?

Well...yeah, I guess I was.

But what were you going to wear home?

Elaine, are you listening? I never even got there!


mlo9109 t1_j1w97ps wrote

Not if you shop online. I may do most of my online shopping undressed.


oldsguy65 t1_j1wa7wq wrote

Well, I’m on the phone with my friend Bob Saccamano, and I realize right then and there that I need to return this pair of pants. So, I’m off to the store. I’m waiting for the subway, It’s not coming, so I decided to hoof it through the tunnel. Well, I don’t know if I lost track of time – or what, but the next think I knew, I slipped – and fell in the mud. Ruining the very pants I was about to return.


stillcantshoot t1_j1watj1 wrote

True story, I was at the lake and my son dropped a 500$ rod and reel setup off the boat. I dove in and got it but got my shirt covered in mud and moss. So when I got back to the marina I had my shirt off and went in to buy a shirt, but they wouldn't let me in without a shirt. So I made them bring me one outside to try on and then went in to pay for it...


Munchkins_ t1_j1wbvnx wrote

It was the same with covid masks a couple years back. Needed to buy a mask but couldn't go in the store to buy one.

Bloody nightmare.


Im_naK t1_j1wcbws wrote

Nope. But you require an internet connection and money at the very least. And I guess a place of residence


PanotBungo t1_j1wd8il wrote

A bit different but similar: getting a valid ID card in the Philippines requires at least two valid IDs.


Maithius t1_j1wdgho wrote

To be fair, no one buys themselves their first set of clothes


Victor_Korchnoi t1_j1wdpwy wrote

Kinda true for car shopping as well. Ever tried to walk to a car dealer


SerGunganTheTall t1_j1wdqda wrote

Sometimes in this subreddit, you get prime access to the thoughts of a fucking moron.


DBnofear t1_j1wdt82 wrote

Kinda like you are expected to have experience to get hired at the job you would be going into to gain said experience.


bokonon87 t1_j1we7l2 wrote

That's why after time travelling you go to a bar and find a big biker dude to claim his stuff.


nateman_doo t1_j1wee4e wrote

I mean your parents generally give you a head start when you come out of the womb and that continues on into adulthood.


Russianbot123234 t1_j1wf7p4 wrote

I didn't have shoes and went to a store and bought shoes to wear so take that.


CWJMajor19 t1_j1wfxh8 wrote

Not me. I am completely nude when I browse Amazon for clothes. Fuck the system.


WarrenPeace96 t1_j1wg7t1 wrote

Is wearing a fig leaf considered clothing? Because if someone walk into a clothing store that I was working at with a big pile of money and only covered by a fig leaf, I would totally sell them some clothing!


WBFY t1_j1wgl2p wrote

Had a friend get his shirt ripped off by some drunk lady. He went into the nearest store to buy a shirt and they told him he couldn’t be in there without a shirt. He said, “that’s why I’m here”


loafers_glory t1_j1wh21j wrote

There was a scene like this in a Hardy Boys novel one time... they wind up with no clothes for some reason and they have to get Chet to pick them up (in his beat up old jalopy of course) and go into the store for clothes for them. He buys them matching outfits (fucking Chet...)

It's come back to me often since then, wondering whether I could give adequate info to have someone go into a shop and buy me a fit on spec and be happy with the results


i_have___milk t1_j1wlple wrote

If you didn’t need clothes to go clothes shopping, you wouldn’t need to go clothes shopping


Dabber42 t1_j1wp9fu wrote

I was out working and got my shorts snagged on a nail and it completely shredded the front. I was still wearing them but my boxers were completely exposed. I went to a good will just down the street and bought a new pair and nobody said anything. The cashier even gave me a discount because I really needed pants now.


nikigruber t1_j1yc3qx wrote

Just like at the beginning of the pandemic. If you want to buy a mask, you have to go to a store. But before entering the store you have to put on a mask... Man, noone kept tons of masks at home before 5his pandemic started 🙄