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Lovely_Tuna t1_j1zt0jh wrote

That's an absolutely fucked thing to say to someone who was beaten as a kid.

And I strongly disagree with your suggestion that hitting a child is a less-effective form of discipline. Beating a child does not get your point across at all, unless your point is that you are an abusive person, not safe to be around.


Beyond-Time t1_j1zto1f wrote

Maybe you should re-read what I wrote as I literally say that hitting a child is wrong. You are what's wrong with Reddit.


Lovely_Tuna t1_j20grra wrote

That is literally a lie, your post is still up.


Beyond-Time t1_j20haig wrote

"I don't condone hitting as a means of discipline as there are better ways to get your point across"

Who are you trying to fool? Hitting is not an answer to unruly children, and they don't always listen to reason. Why are you acting blind to my post?


Lovely_Tuna t1_j20m3v7 wrote

'Literally' has a specific meaning.

I felt like I was standing up for the other poster, and calling out the implicit abuse in your message. No fooling, no acting.

And I'll say it again, hitting your child WILL NOT 'get your point across.'

Hope your kid(s) eventually find a good therapist.