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Showerthoughts_Mod t1_j2coj2z wrote

This is a friendly reminder to read our rules.

Remember, /r/Showerthoughts is for showerthoughts, not "thoughts had in the shower!"

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SomeRetard-png t1_j2cpbcv wrote

No, not really, it’s usually made in a pan, not an air fryer, not a deep fryer.


RoboticXCavalier t1_j2cqi7y wrote

In my neck of the woods we make cheese on toast - this is made under an overhead grill, what americans call a broiler I think? Anyway it makes the cheese brown which is delicious. That said, I have nothing against the sandwich form which we would call a jaffle (we invented the device for that purpose alone), or a toastie (simply a toasted sandwich) which can be made with a device or in the pan...


swollenbudz t1_j2cssnv wrote

Username checks out ... You know there is a process that predates countertop kitchen appliances called pan frying. It's pretty easy, you just fill a pan with a few inches of oil no need to get all deep with it, heat that shit up until you get bubbles from a wooden spoon. Then drop the chicken in and cook for a bit then flip to cook on the otherside.

And it doesn't stop with just chicken bro. I've made doughnuts, corn dogs, fry bread, and funnel cake. All with this same process of just using a pan and some oil. Its the fucking lifehack the restaurant industry doesn't want you to know. They are working so hard to get this fact scrubbed from the internet bro.


DecalArtist t1_j2e9ylx wrote

Wtf is up with people and the grilled cheese shower thoughts today?? Is it some grilled cheese holiday or something today?