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Chupacabra_Ag t1_j69w8iu wrote

We wouldn’t have advances in technology if it wasn’t for capitalism.


LeoHahn t1_j6a2o41 wrote

you are right the USSR going from being a semi-feudal country to putting the first man in space in less than 40 years isn't technological advancement, all this without taking Nazi rocket scientists under their wing 😭😭


Chupacabra_Ag t1_j6a98l6 wrote

Nothing like threatening to kill your employees family to really bring out the best work!


QuietGanache t1_j6afnmm wrote

The Soviets captured some 300 German rocket scientists and forced them to work on their space programme. They likely would have acquired more had their reputation not encouraged others to flee West.


doothedew1 t1_j6b74sh wrote

Good one! Like, capitalist economies are the only ones who advance technology, clearly.


Chupacabra_Ag t1_j6b8s7t wrote

It’s hard being second place but the commies seem to be used to it by this point in history