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calguy1955 t1_j66bryk wrote

The tendency of some people to mistreat others because of a perception of weakness is sick.


jensalik t1_j68zhbs wrote

Exactly. If the other person is weak you should be double careful to not mistreat them, not exploit their weakness.


sobiyela t1_j66cpr8 wrote

It's human. Either you like it or not.

Edit: The karma of this comment is a good evidence that people prefer cute illusions over hard reality. Thank you.


xSantenoturtlex t1_j67gy0h wrote

It's being a shitty person, whether you like it or not.


sobiyela t1_j67wwuq wrote

Yep. That's exactly how the overwhelming majority of humans are.


mcnamee t1_j68a2pe wrote

Why do all the worst people just assume all of us are like them? Is it a comfort thing? Does it make you feel better about your own shittiness?


Fghsses t1_j6a51km wrote

>Why do all the worst people just assume all of us are like them? Is it a comfort thing? Does it make you feel better about your own shittiness?

Fails to interpret a sentence, feels personally attacked, immediately becomes aggressive.

Typical shitty human behaviour, thanks for providing a valuable example to his point.


sobiyela t1_j68aoox wrote

You are the one making assumptions here.

What I said is from experience.


BigPZ t1_j68d9yy wrote

So anecdotal evidence?


Fghsses t1_j6a4i2k wrote

You are aware this does not invalidate his observations, right?

Do you seriously expect people to simply ignore their life experience because what happened to them is not statistically relevant? (Even though statistically, human being are indeed shitty)


xSantenoturtlex t1_j68p0fo wrote

Ah yes, and we should just accept that and let people be shitty without calling it out.


sobiyela t1_j68r7qa wrote

Nah... We should call them out.


xSantenoturtlex t1_j68s6zn wrote

Funny you say that, because weren't you originally just getting pissy because people were calling out the way these people act?


sobiyela t1_j68urhw wrote

What? Why would I be pissy about that?

I just stated that that's human behavior.


Vladi_Sanovavich t1_j678ioy wrote

It's animalistic is what it is. To rise above that is what is human.


sobiyela t1_j67wjir wrote

We are animals. Either you like it or not.


Vladi_Sanovavich t1_j68680p wrote

Adam Levine: "Baby, I'm preying on you tonight, hunt you down, eat you alive. Just like animals, animals, like animals-mals."


Corrupted_G_nome t1_j68jkeu wrote

Animals who cooperate to build things and invent stuff. Imagine if Napoleon did not have a tailor or a baker and they lived in agressive competition... Lol. Naked and hungry he could not rise to do anything.

"If I see far it is because I stand on the shoulders of Giants"


sobiyela t1_j68kvc5 wrote

I don't see anything conflicting with what I stated.

But I do see that you have the wrong view about how society works.

Napoleon had A LOT of internal and external aggressive competition. Besides that, most people tailoring and baking were doing that because they literally needed it to survive. Many would prefer a better life.


Corrupted_G_nome t1_j68njxd wrote

Lol and if they went to seek that better life nothing would be produced... Ive heard that logic from wealthy people and it confuses me. We need labourers to produce literally everything. If Napoleon was stuck subsistence living, or any other historical figure, because no one would work in teams to make bread or build walls or host government and all acted like individuals and started their one man businesses they would achieve nothing.

Rocks can only be piled higher by widening the base. All societies are pyramidal in nature. In todays world folks are drilling into the base to get sand to build their own little spires to their own little peaks. Without the base however they cannot achieve anything and if they drill too much the structure collapses. Its also not just a metaphore but happens occasionally to civilizations and is a warning.

Ling views of archaeological history show as people become well fed they have time and energy to invent things like pottery or bows. When famines are bad enough most other jobs are abandonned for subsistence living. Squeeze people too hard out of a sense of self worth and the tower falls.

We exist as a collective. I cannot do my job if the people who build my tools do their job and they cannot do their job if their food sources dont work. Every society is centered around agriculture or is held at the mercy of agricultural imports.

Nobody wants to grind flour all day but it jas to get done. Shitting on people for doing hard work that is necessary for their own survival (and lets be real many of these things are also pleasureable) is a huge mental block devoid from reality.


sobiyela t1_j68o2bo wrote

You are doing a strawman's fallacy.

I didn't defend what you are trying to counter argue.


Corrupted_G_nome t1_j68tmzp wrote

Pointing to real supply chains is not a strawman fallacy. Its literally how everything works in the material sense. The base physical reality of civilizations is labor.

Its one of the reasons strikes are so effective. In ancient rome the working class would sometimes abandon a city for better rights/laws/whatever and the wealthy would realize quickly they had no more income from investments and they rapidly ran out of wine and bread. Forcing them to actually do labor which is of course harder, less profitable and less savory than their adminministrative or management type positions.

Happened just recently where corporate sent workers to fill in gaps at Mc Donalds. Turns out they needed labourers to serve food to support all the other jobs at head office. Seems kind of self evident no? They ended up being early adopters of higher wages to try to minimize that problem

Until machinery replaces people its a fact of civilizations.

"If I see far it is because I stand on the shoulders of giants"

If a business closes because boomers retire and everyone else chooses better jobs (the nobody wants to work rhetoric) and the owmer cannot run the operation themselves points to the necessity of what I speak.


sobiyela t1_j68u8la wrote

You are truly losing it...

Go drink some water and then tell us why are you arguing about that.


Corrupted_G_nome t1_j68vj6i wrote

Yes paragraphs and reading are too hard for some people. Have a great day.


sobiyela t1_j68w3o4 wrote

> Yes paragraphs and reading are too hard for some people.

Being passive aggressive it's shameful you know?

> Have a great day.

Ok, you too.


iFlyskyguy t1_j69rlow wrote

Go live in the bushes then. Stop leeching off our human amenities if you want to live like an animal.


Mysterious-Chance848 t1_j67k88e wrote

Human morals have evolved so much in a few centuries, they still are. This ain’t a fact bruh


sobiyela t1_j67x2et wrote

That doesn't contradict what I said.


iFlyskyguy t1_j69rgi4 wrote

No that's the animal kingdom. It's called humanity. You should try it.


subzero112001 t1_j6759ro wrote

Taking advantage of something exhibiting an apparent weakness is a basic law of nature. Welcome to planet earth.


lucpet t1_j67j9gk wrote

Granted, but it is also something that can also bite you in the arse if you assume too much lol


Excludos t1_j67suvs wrote

It very much is not. One of the core reasons humans have evolved is because of our ability to take care of each other. We don't leave our weakest to die like Zebras


Hardcorish t1_j67v5mk wrote

You're right, however this does happen on an individual level. Some people absolutely perceive weakness in others and take advantage by harming/robbing/sexuall assaulting them etc. Take a look in any prison and you'll see this in plain view. It happens on the street as well but prison is the most obvious example.


Excludos t1_j687tu4 wrote

As with everything; it varies. I don't think prison is necessarily the best representation of the average individual on the planet. But it's definitively a good insight into how some of us behaves


Hardcorish t1_j68e5my wrote

For sure. I only used it as a go-to example precisely because of how overt the behavior is in there. You put a bunch of violent convicts into a confined space and the strongest inevitably will prey on anyone that shows weakness, from their perspective.


ResponsibleShampoo t1_j68nudc wrote

How about humans relationship to every other creature on the planet? It is either exploited, very cute or culled.


subzero112001 t1_j6c5y4j wrote

“We don’t leave our weakest to die”

Yes, poor people live amazing lives. /s

Also, the way how humans treat inferior animal on the planet is based upon us taking advantage of our superiority.


Letmepatyourcat t1_j67uzhv wrote

Rousseau would say otherwise


Fghsses t1_j6a3tee wrote

Rousseau was wrong. Hobbes was right.


Letmepatyourcat t1_j6ajzi7 wrote

This mf likes that totalitarian shit amiright, that dictatorshit straight up buzzin - hobbes


subzero112001 t1_j6c67v6 wrote

Then Rousseau was blind and deaf. Because apparently they never saw how humans take advantage of animals(aka weaker beings).


A-B_D t1_j69k8j8 wrote

i think what makes us humans is our ability to think about each other and care about each others feelings, and like feel. and is everything that is "in nature" morally right? do u need to take advantage of ppls weaknesses to survive? maybe ur insecurities do


subzero112001 t1_j6c6kx0 wrote

“Need to take advantage”

Nah you don’t NEED to. But humans do.

Have you seen how humans treat all the other animals on this planet? The ones that are “inferior” to us? We take advantage of them all the time.


iFlyskyguy t1_j69raft wrote

We're not animals jerk off. We're human beings. We evolved past the need to prey on the weak. Maybe you missed the boat on that one


subzero112001 t1_j6c736a wrote

“We’re not animals”

Yes we are.

“We evolved past the need to prey on the weak”

No we haven’t. We prey on the other animals on this planet day in and day out.