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Mcash39 t1_j6h24k4 wrote

We are also one of the only to wield things, so showing that our hands are empty makes more sense than say a bear who would instead be showing their claws in the same position.


Dark_solder18 t1_j6h2bhh wrote

It's to show that you don't have a weapon in your hands

And no weapons = coming in peace


crookshanks_cat OP t1_j6h2njq wrote

true, but we can still use our fists as weapons and we still raise our hands to show we won’t use them. other animals don’t really seem to do this when they too have fists or something to use. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Rhonijin t1_j6hbk6l wrote

We're also the same way about showing our teeth. Smiling is so natural to us, but showing your teeth like that is generally seen as a sign of aggression for most animals.


_Weyland_ t1_j6hdffb wrote

Also aren't we the only predators who demonstrate their teeth (aka smile) as a non-agressive gesture?


DoDoyesman t1_j6hixkt wrote

Depends how high you raise them.

You raise them into a guard position infront of your face I don't think anyone would think peace.

Above your head with palms forward, very peaceful.


Intuitshunned t1_j6hp6yc wrote

Omnivore does not cancel out predatory nature, grizzly bears are omnivores but I just saw a video of a wedding interrupted by a grizzly getting real predatory on a moose. Carnivore herbivore and omnivore refer to diet, predator and prey are behavioral.


pleasegivemealife t1_j6hv284 wrote

Uh... We don't tumble down and show our belly and flail our arms to show peace, like dogs... Or cats...

But now I wanna see Putin and Biden does that now...


Acualux t1_j6hwocs wrote

Showerthoughtthought: Humans really developed intelligence parallel to tools.


canubas t1_j6i0i8z wrote

Well its a deterrent like intense coloring as self defence mechanism in some animals


Intuitshunned t1_j6i242e wrote

No but at this point it is all semantics and the limits of language to communicate thoughts, in the literal sense predator is almost always synonymous with carnivorous, and only through metaphor does predator get applied to other behavior unrelated to diet. The terms are further muddied by outlier behavior such as house cats that prey on everything smaller then themselves for what seems to be entertainment, though the actions taken are identical to actual hunting behavior for food for the most part, or even stranger, predatory/carnivorous deer, scientifically accepted herbivores that have been documented preying upon eggs, birds, mice, squirrels, and carrion... but this is reddit I guess where the points don't matter and semantics can send a random stranger into a digital rage.


zanfitto t1_j6i5oyf wrote

Mainly because we're among the few species to carry lethal equipment in our hands, in a way that an open, empty hand is a sign of low agression, instead of a show of strength like claws and such


phillmybuttons t1_j6ieg4n wrote

Clearly not been to any town at night when the clubs kick out, a regular sight near me is young men throwing arms up in the air to appear larger than the other young men whilst shouting "come on the you c**t" to some random person who is either to drunk to respond or just don't care.

Also the widening of arms which is perceived as friendly to most people takes on a sinister alternative meaning outside of Frank's kebabs & chicken at 2am, again, to look larger and more intimidating to other young lads whilst shouting "oy" to whoever bumped into them and dropped their last chicken wing.

It's all very dependent on where you live as to what these actions mean but to me, if I see someone raise their hands I'm gonna go on defense and keep an eye out rather than think they are peaceful.


Doreen666 t1_j6iixln wrote

fists are really crap weapons. hands break easily.

we've been successful due to tools so a display of "i do not have a dangerous tool" is an obvious evolution to indicate "I am no threat" to another human


balrus-balrogwalrus t1_j6irrb1 wrote

Also smiling and showing teeth as a sign of happiness. Show teeth to a chimp and you'd be lucky to survive with your skull intact.


EmotionalConfidence1 t1_j6j4ski wrote

Right when a car lets me walk infront at a shopping complex I show my palm as a way of thanks for stopping but if I did that to an ape idk what he would be thinking


JankoDzbanko t1_j6j71dk wrote

It's pretty similar with humans as well. When you smile you only show a tiny bit of teeth maybe sometimes a little more. But go up to a mirror, rise your upper lip to expose you teeth and you'll look vicious af.


Awordofinterest t1_j6jcb08 wrote

>Orangutans and chimps use spears. >Orangutans use spears to hunt fish.

They do, Very poorly and with little success.

>Chimps wage wars against eachother. Full on wars, with designated battlegrounds.

Now this is interesting, When a group gets too large they split and often go to war with each other. Quite often they don't come to blows though, The key is how far they move from each other.

Imagine 5 years later, The new young adults come across another society they don't know. Well, now they go back to the group and make it known there are enemies nearby. Did the other group attack? They didn't need to, the fear of the unknown is enough. The elder chimps don't get a say due to the noise levels, and even if the elder chimps did try to put a stop to it, they would then be challenged as leaders, killed and overthrown, or shunned to an elderly life of solitude.

It really is interesting.


stonka_truck t1_j6jcmtr wrote

Animals wanna look big when they do it, we wanna show we're unarmed


Xeludon t1_j6jdw04 wrote

They're incredible creatures, I wonder how long it'll be before they start to create and build things, maybe small huts, houses, shelters.

I'm fairly certain we could teach them how to build and they'd remember it and pass down the knowledge.


Awordofinterest t1_j6jfyta wrote

Well they are already very good at building shelters, Orangutans, Gorillas, Chimps and Bonobos are well known to build nests in trees, but they also make use of overhanging tree branches and brush for shelter, and have been seen making their own canopies out of brush and leaves. Yes. They know how to deflect rain from overhead.

Orangutans have been seen using large leaves as umbrellas.

What scares me, that people will see what they can do, and attempt (Or reattempt, i'm sure it's been tried before) to enslave them in some way.


jordantask t1_j6kb5or wrote

The significance of the raised hands gesture is the ability to see an open palm. You can see that nothing is inside the open palm.

It’s also not terribly efficient for humans to attempt an empty handed strike against a person with a flat, open palm this way. Boxing teaches you to throw punches the way it does because it’s the most effective way to deliver energy to a target with empty hands.


Moppeteer t1_j6kkf0s wrote

Not quite. The thing is, us raising our arms is the evolution of how other animals put themselves belly up. Think of dogs. When a dog KNOWS it cannot win a fight vs another dog (or simply doesn't want to fight, it "shows it's belly" (and by thus, raises their "arms") in a sign of peace, or to be a little more specific, submission.


yamaha2000us t1_j6kzaxe wrote

The raising of the arms is to show we are unarmed.

Our gorilla arms have been bred out of us.


DemonKing0524 t1_j6ltw82 wrote

The other commenters was suggesting people might use rocks as fist packers or as clubbing instruments. I've heard of people using lighters etc a small rock would work the same though for a fist packer. Using a rock in other ways to hit someone should be fairly self explanatory


Silent-is-Golden t1_j6lwfmc wrote

Maybe if I make myself big it will intimidate the police officer into peacefully arresting.... ha ha suckers fooled them real good... Can anyone help me post bail?


6l233Cl t1_j6lxxlq wrote

Does wigging count?

There are many friendly actions in animals.