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Lallner t1_j5uqzsy wrote

LOL - Our only biological advantages are our huge frontal lobes and opposable thumbs. Turns out, those are really good advantages.


TroyBenites t1_j5v08gb wrote

We have many other charactheristics, like sweating that we take for granted


GodofWar1234 t1_j5vgenz wrote

Absolute giga Chad moment when our ancestors could literally outpace and tire out prey animals who were fast but couldn’t maintain the speed for a long distance.


eazy_64 t1_j5wrob9 wrote

I’ve tried my hand at a couple different hunting methods, but persistence hunting like the Raramuri is definitely the hardest. Setting traps and running prey into your trap is one thing, but running down a deer until it collapses of heat exhaustion… yikes.


OmegianLord t1_j5v6dvz wrote

We also are the most stamina efficient creatures on land.


Joe30174 t1_j5wa7q3 wrote

That's what I originally heard. And then I heard for mammals that run, we are. So idk which is true.


annomandaris t1_j5wenpx wrote

Horses are the only animals that can outrun us over distances.

The key difference is sweat glands and the ability to cary water. Humans have sweat glands all over their body, horses also have a large area they can sweat from.

This means other animals can run, or get rid of heat, but not both at the same time, whereas humans can run for many hours if they have water. And eventually the animal they are chasing wil overheat.


Joe30174 t1_j5wfvmz wrote

Interesting, I didn't know about that at all. What about camels?

Also, my response was to argue against that we are the most stamina efficient land mammals. We'll not argue, but note that I have heard (watched a science video on it not too long ago) that there are land mammals that DONT run and are more stamina efficient than humans.


annomandaris t1_j63phyg wrote

I dont know about stamina efficiency, humans superpower is that we can get rid of heat efficiently. Take wolves, they can only sweat thru their paws, and their main way to lose heat is by panting, which they cant do while running. So if you were to just keep after them, even if your slower, they will eventually pass out from heat stroke. The same applies to other animals.

Meanwhile the human is jogging after them, sweating all over, the faster they run the more efficient the sweat evaporating is, and they can drink or pour water over them selves as well.

Thats why we win persistance hunting.


I-dont-rickroll t1_j5y81nj wrote

Horses can only do it in cold weather, in hot weather we still beat them.


ablondedude t1_j5wfn36 wrote

To my knowledge dogs (and wolves I guess) are the closest to beating us in endurance, we still have the advantage over large distances though.


Joe30174 t1_j5wg5pf wrote

Maybe. But I'm referring to all land mammals, including ones that don't run.


Soggy_Midnight980 t1_j5wpnah wrote

I’ve heard that a dog would die if it tried to keep up with a marathon runner.