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Showerthoughts_Mod t1_j6ou40h wrote

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Late_Comparison_ t1_j6ou90z wrote

Wow, that's impressive! Guess it pays to invest in quality toothpaste!


Deadxendxempty t1_j6ov4va wrote

Iusually use my toothpaste tubes until the look like they've been empty for a year. Fucking things still have enough usable paste in them. Not even being frugal about it.


fleshlyLoath t1_j6ovnw4 wrote

for me this goes for toilet papper. at the end of the month the cardboard can be used with no problems


AlucardNoir13 t1_j6p4ztn wrote

Why toothpaste? This is true for literally any product we consume. Ex. The last 5% of a jug of milk lasts longer than the first 95% you drank...