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MegaMinerd t1_j6ok4av wrote

From the ideal gas law PV=nRT, it follows that at 1atm and T=0C, 50C, and 100C, V will be 2241.4, 2651.7, and 3062.0 cm3, respectively. To get these same volumes, T under this new system (PVT=nR) would be 0.0366, 0.0309, and 0.0268. Ignoring the fact the T's units are now 1/K, this breaks the linear relationship between V and T. T=1 in this system is 1K in our system, after which it explodes to infinity. Physics itself seems to work. The change in scale is odd, but decibels are logarithmic so it's not unheard of. The asymptote at absolute cold and limit tending toward 0 as things get hotter are actually sort of intuitive in a way if you think about it.