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WarhammerRyan t1_j6n1r9w wrote

Tell that to anybody who went through any fertility assistance and see how fast they skip out on ever talking to you again. Many people put years of their life and tens of thousands of dollars into things like this before adopting. I'd hardly call that skipping anything.

Tell that, as well, to anybody who has undergone the adoption process, the forms, the interviews, preparing your home and having it scrutinized repeatedly to see if you are worthy of doing something that many people stumble into accidentally, and for which you are doing as much or more preparation than a lot of biological parents put in.

Think before posting a shower "thought", and do us a favor - if you're lucky enough to have kids, teach them to be better by looking at more than a narrow-range viewpoint on the world.


hali26 t1_j6nq5e0 wrote

Calm your tits Jesus! It’s a shower thought, not some new philosophical truth about the world. Also, if you were to remove your head from your own bottom for a second, you might consider OP talking about adopting an older child, say a teenager, in which case they are right– it would not take 15 years to adopt someone.


RonSwansonsOldMan t1_j6nshkk wrote

Having been through both the invitro and adoption process, I agree with you 100%. OP is an asswipe who obviously has never been through it and has NO idea what he's talking about. And probably doesn't realize that he's an asswipe.