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icelandichorsey t1_j6k37ni wrote

Next time you do stupid shit like be anti-vax or anti-science, consider your ancestors who survived the various plagues and wars and bears and shit and maybe try and improve yourself instead?


The_Sown_Rose t1_j6ki2c8 wrote

To be fair to the anti-vax crowd, there is a certain negative logic in this: the vast majority of those ancestors, all but the last seven or so generations of them, survived all of that shit without vaccines, at least long enough to reproduce.


klonkrieger43 t1_j6kle4d wrote

yeah but a huge lot of them also died long before that.


The_Sown_Rose t1_j6klqpk wrote

How would that work? Everything alive today has an unbroken reproductive line back to the first life on earth, by definition absolutely none of anyone’s direct line ancestors died before reaching reproductive age.


klonkrieger43 t1_j6km5o9 wrote

I am not talking about direct ancestors, but ancestors. A lot of your great-great-great....-aunts and uncles died, because of lacking medicine hygiene, famine, war, accidents and a whole lot of other preventable reasons.
The argument that humanity survived before vaccines is like this dumb tweet that the black plague disappeared on its own. It just killed a third of Europe's population to do so.


kunbish t1_j6lfgpk wrote

Right but an antivaxxer might say something about the strong surviving, dont mess with nature, etc. that argument works in the simplest sense, because it disregards any ancestors that arent direct ones as weak and irrelevant lol. Obviously its a flawed argument when you think critically for more than three seconds.


spaceship247 t1_j6liwe3 wrote

That’s quite right and reputable medical journals such as The British Medical Journal consistently document the superiority of the bodies’ own immune response to being exposed to the virus via person to person transmission over the response produced by any of the current vaccines.

Those hundreds of millions/billions of years of evolution have given us immune systems far more complex and capable than that of an altered version of the virus.


icelandichorsey t1_j6lysyz wrote

Really? How many diseases have we wiped out before the vaccines and how many with?


Yeetthataccount_1118 t1_j6m889t wrote

We’ve wiped out two or three viruses. We didn’t have to deal too much with Tetanus or Polio now with vaccines.


spaceship247 t1_j6nbw5r wrote

Wiped out? Or gained immunity to?

Over billions of years? How many viruses? Compared to the 100 or so years of vaccination?


jamiecarl09 t1_j6krgme wrote

I'd prefer they anti-vax crowd thin their own herd. For the good of the species.


icelandichorsey t1_j6lyv3y wrote

Unfortunately we can't segregate them and actually I don't want to. They're people too and I don't want them to die from doing something stupid.


chrisman1409 t1_j6kgl36 wrote

You’re just preaching to the choir, you have no idea about how people become anti vax or whatever


explodingtuna t1_j6kjz6e wrote

Fox News and political propagandization?


Megafister420 t1_j6kxqro wrote

Yeah that's literly it, iv had multiple anti vaxers in my family, and it's either fox news, or some outdated news post 12 years ago that says kids could get autism (which I would think to be better then a terminal illness but whatever)


pifuhvpnVHNHv t1_j6mpnsg wrote

All the anti vaxers will die out soon enough anyway. Evolution will fix it.


Drink15 t1_j6mhenq wrote

You can say that about every virus that has ever existed during any point in time because none of them have ever wiped out the entire human race. We have always survived. The point of a vax is to get more people to survive.