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Energetic_Baseball_ t1_j6jurxz wrote

Wow, that's amazing! It sure is a testament to the strength & resilience of our ancestors and it gives us hope for the future. We should take this as a reminder to be mindful of our actions and take responsibility for the world we leave behind.


New-Tip4903 t1_j6jvinr wrote

Humans and Dinosaurs missed each other by about 65 million years


hyteck9 t1_j6jyc24 wrote

Actually, most of us have 1 ancestor.... Genghis Khan. That boy was BUSY.


E_B_Jamisen t1_j6k1mhh wrote

And we are about to break family tradition and be the primary victims of the 6th global mass extinction ...


icelandichorsey t1_j6k37ni wrote

Next time you do stupid shit like be anti-vax or anti-science, consider your ancestors who survived the various plagues and wars and bears and shit and maybe try and improve yourself instead?


The_Sown_Rose t1_j6ki2c8 wrote

To be fair to the anti-vax crowd, there is a certain negative logic in this: the vast majority of those ancestors, all but the last seven or so generations of them, survived all of that shit without vaccines, at least long enough to reproduce.


The_Sown_Rose t1_j6klqpk wrote

How would that work? Everything alive today has an unbroken reproductive line back to the first life on earth, by definition absolutely none of anyone’s direct line ancestors died before reaching reproductive age.


klonkrieger43 t1_j6km5o9 wrote

I am not talking about direct ancestors, but ancestors. A lot of your great-great-great....-aunts and uncles died, because of lacking medicine hygiene, famine, war, accidents and a whole lot of other preventable reasons.
The argument that humanity survived before vaccines is like this dumb tweet that the black plague disappeared on its own. It just killed a third of Europe's population to do so.


DarthDregan t1_j6kofhg wrote

I'm the end of the line.

No kids now, no kids ever, sister was murdered at 12, no other siblings, parents both too old for more.


Chickadee248 t1_j6kp6dd wrote

We all share one female ancestor and one male ancestor, though they never met each other. Mitochondrial Eve and Chromosomal Adam.

So technically we're all cousins.


psycholepzy t1_j6kpeev wrote

We have a whole lot more ancestors who didnt survive any of those. We made the race!


Obiwan_ca_blowme t1_j6ks5ra wrote

And not a single one was gay.

I know, I know, you can be gay but be in a heterosexual relationship out of fear or whatnot. What if I said “a practicing homosexual.”?


Megafister420 t1_j6kxqro wrote

Yeah that's literly it, iv had multiple anti vaxers in my family, and it's either fox news, or some outdated news post 12 years ago that says kids could get autism (which I would think to be better then a terminal illness but whatever)


kunbish t1_j6lfgpk wrote

Right but an antivaxxer might say something about the strong surviving, dont mess with nature, etc. that argument works in the simplest sense, because it disregards any ancestors that arent direct ones as weak and irrelevant lol. Obviously its a flawed argument when you think critically for more than three seconds.


SecretlyaPolarBear t1_j6lho40 wrote

We’re here only because those mass extinctions occurred. Many of our physical features are a result as well. We can eat and breathe at the same time because our ancestors survived the great dying. we have thumbs because the small mammals that outlived the Dinos found a niche eating fruit in trees, also resulting in our lack of onboard vitamin C production


spaceship247 t1_j6liwe3 wrote

That’s quite right and reputable medical journals such as The British Medical Journal consistently document the superiority of the bodies’ own immune response to being exposed to the virus via person to person transmission over the response produced by any of the current vaccines.

Those hundreds of millions/billions of years of evolution have given us immune systems far more complex and capable than that of an altered version of the virus.


out2seeagain t1_j6m71s0 wrote

I have the pictures, my great great great great great great great great great Uncle Uga Ugauga used to ride a pterodactyl to and from school every day.


Arinupa OP t1_j6m8948 wrote

I'm sorry for your sister .. :(

Welp not really the end of the line for your grandpa/etc if you have cousins and nephew/niece

End for your personal yes but eh doesn't really matter.

Also you can donate sperm/egg help someone who wants a kid maybe.


Arinupa OP t1_j6m8el8 wrote

The primary cause id say! The victims are all the ones already extinct and on their way.


And we aren't, the big corpos are.

Neighbors down the street ain't responsible for anthropogenic global extinction but big oil corporate house which lobbies against change is

There is a difference between them and us. Almost a whole different species you could say.


RiC_David t1_j6m8l0v wrote

And by law of probability, many of them were bisexual.

Procreating with the opposite sex, taking a pleasure ride with the same.

So gay sex is nature approved so long as you're bi then, right? Okay then.

See you later.


RiC_David t1_j6m8vhy wrote

Underrated? This has to be the least fitting use of the term I've ever heard! Who on earth has ever underrated the human knack for survival?

Surely the fact that we exist should prevent that idea from ever existing?

I mean we've done pretty well.


Drink15 t1_j6mhenq wrote

You can say that about every virus that has ever existed during any point in time because none of them have ever wiped out the entire human race. We have always survived. The point of a vax is to get more people to survive.


icthalian t1_j6mjzmq wrote

Applying your implied logic that these ancestors of ours weren’t human, as we know it, we didn’t ‘outlive the dinosaurs’. Their ancestors are still here too.


Arinupa OP t1_j6mkhtd wrote

Some of The dino descendants are here ye, birds and shit.

They also outlived the dinos... In a changed form.

Their ancestors or ours didn't outlive anyone though. Okly descendants.


Chickadee248 t1_j6mlvmi wrote

It most absolutely does cuz 😎 I teach middle school history. I intro'd this concept with something like "Who thinks Zendaya is cute? Wow. She is your COUSIN. That is DISGUSTING." They got a kick out of it.


Ravenwight t1_j6mxz9g wrote

Nah my family came over on the Blyzerxh, it’s like an alien mayflower, but it only arrived a couple hundred years ago


Smeghead333 t1_j6niy3s wrote

All of us have the same ancestors that survived those events.


bsheelflip t1_j6nm2q9 wrote

I wish that "where were your ancestors during the asteroid?" could replace smalltalk.


Tomma1 t1_j6oiswt wrote

With all the crap in the world right now maybe some should have been left behind? Oh and theres a slight gap between man and dinosaurs