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Shlafenflarst t1_j6paljc wrote

Well, they can walk, they can eat, their muscles obviously work despite them being dead, why not the heart ?


DadIsMadAtMe OP t1_j6pdd41 wrote

I always assumed the brain was what was moving the muscles and nerves. If the heart still worked would they still be dead?


betillsatan t1_j6pecyk wrote

for the zombies to do most zombie things, they would have to be alive. Which contradicts that one zombie thing where they're supposed to be dead.


LrrrRulerotPOP8 t1_j6pe8p8 wrote

It is reanimated though. Where else would the blood go? At some point it would leak out or just pool up at the lowest points of the body...


ApocalypseSpokesman t1_j6pgdh4 wrote

There's no way to make zombies work.

They would dehydrate and dry up pretty rapidly. They would run out of energy, regardless of what's making them tick, also pretty rapidly.

They couldn't possibly be strong, they'd be more like elderly cancer patients, doddering on for a few hours before collapsing in a heap, never to move again.


Useful_Effort_ t1_j6pald9 wrote

Well, that's a bit of a conundrum! We guess the only explanation is that zombie blood must have some kind of magical properties, allowing it to defy all laws of physics and keep flowing even without a living heart. That's one mystery we may never be able to solve!


JohannReddit t1_j6pjl7l wrote

Yup, seems like every zombie movie and show has slightly different "rules" to fit the plot's premise.


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