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ThePerfectEmployee t1_j6075yu wrote

No, it doesn't!

If the butter is hot, it is melted, so a knife can immediately go through it.

If the knife is hot but the butter isn't, then the knife still needs to melt the butter as it goes through, so it's slightly slower.

Someone posted the correct shower thought of this 4 years ago:


Alcoholic_Camel t1_j60o8fl wrote

How do you remember a random post from 4 years ago with 1 upvote


ItIsAnOkayLife t1_j60wnyf wrote

More so curious about them being able to pull up a link and remember that.

I try to find things I saw a few weeks or months ago, and I'm shit at it.

Very impressive.


hugostigletts t1_j60y2f9 wrote

This person is just better than us, and in more ways than just reddit navigation and memory. Even the name checks out.