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electrical-neo t1_j6hug80 wrote

anyone with half a brain understands the incredible power of homework. anyone with an entire brain understands that schools should be the place for learning, not homes


Ubermenschen t1_j6i1eza wrote

You don't learn anything at home?


electrical-neo t1_j6i2ljs wrote

sorry for the confusion, what i meant is that schools are supposed to be the places where you learn school stuff like maths and other subjects, and you shouldn't be forced to spend your free time doing that


anomthrowaway748 t1_j6j23dv wrote

I agree, and home should be for lifestyle stuff like cooking, cleaning etc.


subzero112001 t1_j6lednx wrote

> that schools should be the place for learning, not homes

Sounds like you and your parents were pretty dumb.

Parents are supposed to constantly teach their children. This is basic biology.