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w33dcup t1_j6jm65z wrote

I agree with you. Parents doing their kids homework doesn't help. I told my kids basically the same. "Homework is for you to exercise and practice what you've learned. It doesn't need to be perfect. Just do your best, make notes of questions where you struggled for teacher followup." My assistance was as you described. "Show me what you're doing" and I might course correct, suggest a resource, but never give the answer. I would affirm a correct answers and walk back incorrect answers. If there were ridiculous deadlines, I told my kids not to worry too much about it.

Most of us have been through it with a bad/boring/vindictive teacher. As a parent, I try to be understanding (of both sides). I don't hate homework or teachers. I do hate poorly planned or executed assignments/projects. That includes my (former) jobs too.