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Showerthoughts_Mod t1_j6fbly7 wrote

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MasterAnything2055 t1_j6fbs82 wrote

Do we? I just try to do more of what makes me happy and try not to die.


daftvaderV2 t1_j6g0bbx wrote

What if you chose the life and to make it a great thing also chose to forget that you chose this life.


Brianprokpo456 t1_j6g3le9 wrote

And that's what people fail at. They assume the fallacy that "meaning in life" is found by searching.

Meaning in life is purpose, and purpose is assigned by the conditions and context. They waste all their lives thinking they are going to find something, but nothing new they will find, as all the pieces have already been stated before.

In the search for a meaning, most people end up doing anything but becoming closer to it. As they evade their purpose by seeking another one, in the fallacy of thinking they have none.

In most cases, It's not that hard, looking at your surroundings and deducing your task. Harder surely it is to look for another different purpose when it'll probably not exist.


serimert t1_j6h0sr2 wrote

Humans look for/search things that they don't have.. which in our case it is 'meaning'. All arts, philosophy, some science shit are for this.


_D3ft0ne_ t1_j6h3c3b wrote

"In a life we didn't choose"... You might be surprised to learn otherwise.