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eternalankh t1_j67g5rv wrote

If I could just choose "no work" without sacrificing much quality of life, I absolutely would. I have never in my life been so bored that I thought, "I need a job."


Fangore t1_j67spzm wrote

I didn't work last year. Unfortunate circumstances, but I lived at my moms unemployed for a year.

Was never bored. Kept myself busy. Learnt so many skills that I was proud of.

I never understood the concept of "oh I'm not working so I'm bored."


Shreddersson t1_j694ah6 wrote

I mean its clearly brainwashing. Why would you think about going to a job when you are bored? Its like choosing to watch paint on a wall dry other than being happy.


NotNewTwoReddit t1_j6at2ak wrote

Personally, I'm really bad at motivating myself to do anything if, in my head, I don't "have to". When I have a job, I "have to" work. I like working just to get out of the house regularly. I work for family though and also enjoy the company of my coworkers a lot, so maybe not the normal circumstances but still.


Metty197 t1_j67augu wrote

Tbh I have been off work for 3 months due to health issues and have basically just played video games but feel so much better for it


anotherusercolin t1_j68mfr9 wrote

I was unemployed during the crash of 09 for like 7 months. First 3 months we're glorious, and I love to pursue my hobbies. Month 4 I started to get super down. I still love to not work, but I've learned I really do enjoy and love the challenge of work and I love to solve problems and meet people.

Everyone should get that break, tho, because without it, I think work will always feel like an obligation to resent.


Jumbled_Apartment_ t1_j678ykq wrote

That's a tough spot to be in! Maybe it's time to find something new that'll bring you some joy and fill in the gaps between work. Anything from a hobby to a side hustle - the options are endless, so take your pick and make the most of your free time.


StringIsNullOrEmpty OP t1_j679fzb wrote

Yeah! I actually played sports/gym and sometimes read books (mainly indoor) in my free time, but this won’t take the whole day. Especially during holidays/day off, I’m left with plenty of time not knowing what to do.

I guess I gotta start looking into some other outdoor activities.


shaolin_tech t1_j67z0f5 wrote

Anime and video games. I can go months with no work and still not catch up on my backlog.


balrus-balrogwalrus t1_j685tu3 wrote

three pandemic years of working at home has the same vibe as a tiger pacing back and forth in a small cage at the circus


yeetgodmcnechass t1_j698kfa wrote

I graduated college right as the pandemic started so I was unemployed for like a year and a half. I don't love work but it's nice to have some structure in my life. I just wish my ability to live didn't depend on it.


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Puzzleheaded-Stand76 t1_j696nby wrote

Having worked in a Big 4 where I’ve suffered from anxiety and needing to work until 4-5am for months on end, I’d take “boring” any day.


mrmayhemsname t1_j69c8vx wrote

Wow, who would have thought a work/life balance makes people happy?


wanderingross t1_j69p0r9 wrote

Idk how so many people here are supporting themselves but I would hazard to say that being unemployed is much more depressing than having no breaks from work. I would much rather be working than not.


Sylveon72_06 t1_j6avx5v wrote

i personally have a gazillion things id rather do than work that i havent done for years; itd take at least 3 months just to finish my yt and quora rabbit holes, and even if i exhaust everything, my imagination wont run dry for a long, long time, plus i can pick up new hobbies, which i also havent gotten to do for years


wanderingross t1_j6ay3x3 wrote

The privilege to not work and unemployment are two very different things. Sure, we’d all like to pursue our passions and interests full time. But if I’m going to choose between a shitty job and struggling to stay housed/fed, I will choose shitty job every time.


tillytubeworm t1_j6ctlqz wrote

Man, I love having no work, playing video games, going on dates, hanging out with family and friends, playing and collecting card games, hiking, sledding, taking walks.

Going to work just takes away time to do all that, but without work some of it is unaffordable, that’s the only reason I go to work, but I take off as much time as I possibly can to spend that time on things that are enjoyable