Submitted by APHCT t3_11e7rs6 in StamfordCT

Good morning - son is considering new job located in White Plains. He lives in the Harbor Point section of Stamford (i.e. close to 95 N/S).

Trying to get a sense as to how much of a grind, on a typical day, that daily commute is these days? If it’s going to be a daily pain in the neck, for his sanity, I may advise him to look for something a bit closer.

Many, many years back, I commuted from Norwalk to Greenwich and staring at someone’s bumper every day for a 45-60 minutes each way got old really fast…

Thank you for any input you may have.



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J_Swanlake t1_jacvgqw wrote

I commute from Stamford to Scarsdale. I take 95 to 287, getting off in White Plains to head south into Scarsdale. It's usually about 45 minutes for me. On my late days (don't go in until the afternoon) or my Saturday morning shifts it barely takes a half hour. Coming home at 5pm is usually 45 minutes to an hour.


HeyYoPaul t1_jacs3vr wrote

Probably looking at a good 45 minutes, sometimes an hour, assuming its a 9-5 type job.

How old is your son? May be good to let them decide for themselves either way, good way to let them learn their tolerance for commuting for this and future jobs.


APHCT OP t1_jad3il2 wrote

Thank you & excellent point!


IEatUrinalCakes t1_jacvks9 wrote

Did this for two years, I’d say 35 minutes average. The main traffic really just comes from getting through Greenwich and until the 287 exit. All things considered it’s not terrible, now I work in north Stamford and getting there from harbor point can still take 20 minutes.


bluejams t1_jacug96 wrote

Depends on where in white plains and the actual time of the commute. I do it daily it’s usually 28 door to door in the morning and 33 at night. For me google shows it as a 26 minute drive with no traffic.


MrMangoTango22 t1_jad17cx wrote

I'm downtown and I commute to White Plains. It usually takes 30 minutes to get to the office. Getting home is a little worse if you leave around on 5, it can take 45mins - 1 hour.



I did this for 3 years between 2018 and 2021, it was only bad when there was constant construction on the 287/95 interchange. I found if I left early (before 8am, and before 5 pm) the commute was only 20-25 minutes. After that it could be anywhere for 30 minutes to an hour.

A lot of times the worst part is the commute is fighting train station traffic to just get onto 95 from harbor point.

I also found it was worse in the summer time on Thursdays and Fridays so tried to get out of the office earlier on those days.


TheRealGodHatesFigs t1_jads89s wrote

It also depends on how close he is to the station for work, but he can always take the I-bus which runs as a shuttle between the two stations.


Jets237 t1_jaeaatz wrote

I did this commute for 3 years. It’s best to live somewhere between 95 and the Merritt so you have a choice. Not bad at all though - if you commute during off hours it should be around 25 mins. On a normal rush hour 35-45 and once every few months all hell breaks loose and it’ll take an hour