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lurkluther t1_jc4nhl4 wrote

La Cremaillere is also supposed to be good up there, and not too far from the CT border. 250 is hitting the top of the range in this area without just splurging on a really expensive bottle of wine to pad the bill out. Of course, nothing wrong with that, but it feels less special occasion-y than a really nice menu, in my opinion.


PikaChooChee t1_jc5042c wrote

La Cremaliere closed a few years ago.


lurkluther t1_jc56q3t wrote

They reopened last year with a different team. They still seem to be getting good reviews and the executive chef seems to have an excellent fine dining resume, but I haven't been, so I can't honestly comment. It just seemed the right vibe for a couple having a nice dinner out.


The_Dutchess-D t1_jc63hdq wrote

Oh thanks for this! I previously enjoyed it, and checked not long ago and was sad it was closed. Good to get this update :)