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urbanevol t1_itbklv0 wrote

I'd wager this car belongs to a police officer or their relative. Typical NYPD behavior, but I haven't seen it as much in Stamford.


theLastAlaskn OP t1_italx58 wrote

I've seen kids and elderly people have to walk into the street because this car is literally here every single day. They have some type of police sticker which I assume is why they're not getting ticketed or towed. Not sure best department to contact or if there even is a way. Anyone else see similar things?


AdministrativeWash49 t1_itejd9r wrote

You would have to call enforcement. I doubt they would do anything since it’s a cop’s car.


mellamandiablo t1_itbwjob wrote

Put a ticket in on the Stamford FixIt website with this photo.

Additionally, call Stamford Enforcement and if no response, email the Mayor’s Office

You have to be persistent. The FixIt option is usually very responsive and swift.


theLastAlaskn OP t1_itcjnoc wrote

I did this back in June under the "Unsafe Sidewalks" category. It got "Assigned" and I never heard anything back from them and it certainly didnt fix the problem.

edit: looks like they have a new site which doesnt have that category


mellamandiablo t1_itcm6p6 wrote

I’d reach out directly to Parking Enforcement and if not, email the Mayor’s Office


[deleted] t1_itamx8w wrote

Call a tow company. If they’re blocking a driveway or sidewalk theyre breaking the law, their cop sticker wont change jack.


mellamandiablo t1_itbwrf6 wrote

A tow company won’t tow a random car off. If it’s breaking the law, it would be done at the direction of a police officer.


[deleted] t1_itbx1vt wrote

They will tow it if it is breaking the law. That would include blocking a driveway or a part of a marked sidewalk.


mellamandiablo t1_itbxw00 wrote

I understand that but in my experience with tow companies in Stamford, they will not tow it off a public street or sidewalk without the police, even on your property. I’ve had several refuse outright both at my home and my commercial building.


Athrynne t1_itbka51 wrote

Have you tried calling traffic enforcement? It might take a few days but they should take care of it.


Pinkumb t1_itc1yh9 wrote

Like u/mellamandiablo said, Fix It Stamford is your best bet. You can type out and it will redirect to this page. It's also one of the main buttons on the Stamford CT website.

One thing to note: If it has "ST" in the license plate, it's a city vehicle. For example, "ST 1" is the Mayor's car (it might be 1 - ST, or 01 - ST, I forget). Which isn't to say it's parked legally, but rather an employee is being lazy and betting no one will take issue with it. In my experience, if you do take an issue with it, they'll change their behavior.

You can also call the police non-emergency line at 203.977.4444 and ask what to do about it. In my experience, police punt to traffic enforcement but maybe they'll do something.


theLastAlaskn OP t1_itck1qf wrote

Fix It didnt do anything when I contacted them in June. It doesnt have ST in the plate.


[deleted] t1_iteixx8 wrote



theLastAlaskn OP t1_itmix2t wrote

I'm almost positive this is a cop, and he "looks like" one. Cops are not necessarily known for being rational. I could see this person figuring out who posted this and giving me shit or harrassing me when they see me around for "doxing" them. Even thought it's just a license plate, I dont wanna give this moron any fuel to be pissed.


VdubsFoSho t1_itebxsh wrote

Maybe you can't park on the street and the driveway needs to be accessible. Could be a worker or contractor's vehicle. (Just being devil's advocate)
