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Shortchange96 t1_j44id9j wrote

Not Dr. Stein on Hope st. He’s a butcher


yelllaH OP t1_j44j7l0 wrote

That sounds terrifying, thanks for the heads up 😂


Shortchange96 t1_j44jf6m wrote

You’re welcome. I haven’t gone to him personally, but my brother has. He had a bunch of work done and it was shoddy. He went to another local dentist to get it fixed and the new dentist said, “let me guess, Dr. Stein?”


yelllaH OP t1_j44jof2 wrote

No way… he’s really that bad that people recognize his shitty work?! This is why I take local recommendations


Shortchange96 t1_j44jwgq wrote

Apparently. In another twist of fate that he has no control over, his hygienist went off the rails a few years ago and hid in the back seat of her ex boyfriends new girlfriends car and stabbed her when she got in the car


yelllaH OP t1_j44kagh wrote

So the whole butcher thing apparently runs in the office… Got it. Staying as far away as possible from Dr. Stein on No-Hope Street 🤝


Shortchange96 t1_j44kim3 wrote

Hope st isn’t all bad. Right across the street is Vinny’s Backyard where you can get some great wings and a beer after you’ve been butchered. Might be worth it


yelllaH OP t1_j44okao wrote

Not a bad gig, and I’ve never heard of Vinny’s Backyard? I gotta do my research but I’ve been too busy moving in lol


Shortchange96 t1_j44pqf3 wrote

Vinny’s Backyard is a dive bar that has arguably the best wings in town and they have good cracker crust pizza too. My family and I actually sampled wings from about 6 restaurants a few weeks back trying to see who had the best. Vinny’s and Murphy’s town house were the winners (according to us anyway)


bluejams t1_j46d7ce wrote

seconding NOT DR. STEIN. dudes been there forever...we went twice and never again.


Octothorpe110 t1_j467gh6 wrote

Seconded. Plus his hygienists have been super rude before. One said “ew” when looking at my teeth (in his defense, they prob weren’t great since I was a kid and didn’t have a great upbringing, but still hurt). I also have kept refusing braces due to finances, but while most have let it go after a minute or two, one of the hygienists kept pressing even after I explained that we couldn’t afford it, which as a 14 year old just made me feel worse. Finally, last time I showed up (I’m in my 20’s now), my cleaning lasted 15 minutes and they didn’t bother making me a new appointment at all. Immediately started looking for someone new and now pay fully out of pocket just to avoid them.