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Dutchboy347 t1_j45kgzx wrote

I'm down if anything. Do you have all the tools? I'm probably going to be installing a kit on my crosstrek too. You are taking responsibility if anything goes sideways?


mistericyhot OP t1_j56cw86 wrote

I’m going to check pricing with Benny on Monday. If it’s a no go I’ll be hitting you up! Only thing I don’t have would be a tool to cut out shocks if they’re rusty. I’ll find that out on Monday too.


Dutchboy347 t1_j56ecgo wrote

Did you inspect the shocks? If anything use some rust penetrating and a impact wrench to get em off.


mistericyhot OP t1_j57rzlj wrote

The shocks look pretty rusty but I haven’t given them a try so I’m just not sure. I have an impact wrench but I wasn’t sure if that would fit up there. I’ve also sprayed them with penetrating fluid the past couple of weeks in preparation for this job.


mistericyhot OP t1_j56d2q1 wrote

I would definitely be taking responsibility if anything goes sideways