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Lorres t1_j4t4jho wrote

Our dog is too. We've been to Mianus River Park and Montgomery Pinetum and most dogs we ran into were off-leash even though it's illegal. And most owners don't even bother recalling their dog. Very frustrating experience. At least Mianus was big enough to be pretty empty when we went except for the area near the parking lot. Montgomery I would not go to again, off-leash dogs around every corner.

We live in Waterside and John J Boccuzzi Park has a big grass area that's empty most of the time. However, if there are people with dogs, they will be off-leash so keep an eye out.


smollbird221 OP t1_j4tez5s wrote

Thank you!

Ugh, that's my biggest fear. I've been wanting to go to Mianus River Park but off leash dogs without recall scare me, I don't know what my dog would do if she got rushed by one.

Thankfully Scalzi is usually great with dogs on leash, I just wish I could take her to some other new places. Cummings Park is really big too, it's just a little further from us.