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DLFiii t1_j5zmjz2 wrote

Piece of Cake without a doubt! They moved us seamlessly and know Stamford well. They packed everything, moved us, unpacked and assembled two bed two baths in half a day. Not a single broken item! Very friendly and professional too!


robswins t1_j5znke7 wrote

We used them as well. They did a really great job with getting our stuff out of our 4th floor walkup without causing any damage.


mmblondie16 t1_j61p6m6 wrote

Second this. I didn’t even pay $700 to move a 1 bedroom from midtown east to Wilton, CT. They were super quick and efficient


J_Swanlake t1_j60nkne wrote

Yes! Used them to move from LI to Stamford. They arrived early and were very fast.


ragababymuffin t1_j5zn42z wrote

Awesome, thanks so much! Do you remember how much you paid?


robswins t1_j5zo8gp wrote

Not the one you replied to, but we paid Piece of Cake $925 in 2022 for our small 2 bedroom 4th floor walkup in Brooklyn. 2 other companies we looked at had quoted us $1500-1800.


DLFiii t1_j5zx1p3 wrote

I think we paid about $1500 which included them packing, unpacking, and really doing absolutely everything. We also have a large two bedroom and quite a lot of “stuff” that was moved.


atheistunicycle t1_j609rdj wrote

I don't have any movers in mind, but welcome to Stamford!


jennner1026 t1_j61hs16 wrote

Second piece of cake! They were great!!!


normanpaperman74 t1_j609ar1 wrote

Muscle Men Movers is another option to consider. (203) 223-0907


WhiskyBowTies t1_j61zhd4 wrote

I have limited experience with movers but I do know that Muscle Men do a great job.


Jaylou566 t1_j6702g7 wrote

Xccellent Movers LLC! I’ve used them for 3 moves in the last 6 years, all of my siblings have used them as well.

Xavier is a hard worker and a class act! He even assembled a desk and large bed frame for me!

You won’t regret it. +1 (203) 914-4930


Careful_Reveal_7091 t1_j63mzw7 wrote

The get the fuck out of CT one, too many of you retarded fucks moved here already fucking up traffic worse and creating a massive over pricing of apartments and houses.
