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Better-W-Bacon t1_j74fog5 wrote

There is SO much sugar in everything they eat. I used to be a camp counselor, and I could watch the kids transform, day by day, as they ate real food and almost zero sugar.


25thNightSlayer t1_j774cuo wrote

How did they change?


Better-W-Bacon t1_j77m921 wrote

They stopped being hyper, rude behavior dropped 90%, listening increased, empathy, so much just by eating real food and exercising (and no electronics either).


AGassyGoomy t1_j74dhue wrote

Man, kids these days are gonna eat a lot better than I did as a school kid.


SnooHedgehogs6593 t1_j778ud4 wrote

Actually, kids eat much worse today than we did because there is so much sugar and chemicals added to the food that they eat.


Willow-girl t1_j77x09y wrote

When processors remove the evil fats, they have to pump their food full of sugar to make it tasty.


BlueCrystals_ t1_j7j8n71 wrote

Sugar which then eventually gets stored as fat, all while providing a craving to repeat the cycle.


Willow-girl t1_j7ja8n2 wrote

Yup! There is quite a bit of overlap in the Venn diagram of "low-fat craze" and "obesity epidemic," IMO.


BluDYT t1_j77brnb wrote

Yeah maybe healthier but it tastes like sh*t and is overpriced.


Disastrous-Soup-5413 t1_j75fzsq wrote

Didn’t Michelle Obama do something like this?


H1ld3gunst t1_j76c70s wrote

She attempted to do it, but was forced to shift to “more activity” by the lobby. I don’t know how they were able to foil those plans, it probably was the old “jobs are in danger” and “expensive” argument. Which should be irrelevant, because less sugary food creates the same amount of jobs, and one less ingredient shouldn’t make anything more expensive.

Don’t get me wrong, more activity is great. It just doesn’t change the amounts of sugar in children’s diets is far too high.


SnooHedgehogs6593 t1_j77912w wrote

Yes, Michelle Obama did do this a few years ago. I am a teacher, and observed all the trays lined up on their tables at lunch with the vegetables, completely ignored. With few exceptions, most of the vegetables and healthy food got thrown out because the kids didn’t like to eat them. But, it was what they were used to from home.


Yoate t1_j75vvq3 wrote

We're going to get something like this from every dem first lady lol


H1ld3gunst t1_j76caqw wrote

Hopefully, yes


Yoate t1_j76cjlb wrote

It'd be great if these steps that they're taking eventually lead to free and healthy school lunch for all, it'd go a long way towards ending hunger and raising kids out of poverty through education. I definitely wouldn't mind the trend continuing.


fenrslfr t1_j7744zm wrote

Yeah when it got to the point in the article where they were against it because small and rural schools might struggle with funding for it. Why is the first thought them is to not do it and not this system is broken if poorer schools have to feed their kids worse food. School lunch should be a federal program where every school receives help with funding for good food and families don't have to pay for lunches anymore.


lastskudbook t1_j768kng wrote

Yes but she ruined it with bare arms.
As opposed to Boebert who fed people while bearing arms


adeadfreelancer t1_j74wytx wrote

On the one hand, this is good, on the other I know first hand just how bland and miserable school food already is...


Willow-girl t1_j77wsfr wrote

I worked for a school last year and was amazed by how much sugar we fed the kids. For instance, the chocolate milk was fat-free but pumped up with a full 5 teaspoons of sugar to make it palatable, and most kids drank a carton at breakfast (to wash down their funnel cakes or French toast sticks ... blargh) then another at lunch.

Pumping them full of sugar twice during the school day then expecting them to sit still and work quietly is a recipe for disaster IMO.


td42 t1_j76phb4 wrote

For the first time in the USA.

Let's not pretend plenty of places figured this out a long time ago.


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soulwolf1 t1_j76w0f5 wrote

The way they limited kids from actually eating in schools, saying limiting sugar makes sense....


Abasakaa t1_j76y761 wrote

If not country is mentioned, should I default to US?


brdet t1_j778v16 wrote

Calling it now, this will be the next culture war.


KMorris1987 t1_j76p76t wrote

What about awwwwwww honey honey?


downonthesecond t1_j77co4j wrote

I can imagine fruits being limited for having too much sugar.
