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Goseki1 t1_j7dkvvt wrote

Why do kids like this get rushed through school? Surely they miss out on so much social learning and also have all the added pressure of feeling like they have to perform highly all the time? Why not just let them go through school at a normal pace? I don't get it.


awssjay t1_j7e9tfh wrote

Boredom from the student themselves in classes. As well as difficulty fitting in with classmates that can't keep up with them even in conversation. Most of the times they don't even know that the other person doesn't understand what they understand so quickly. They definitely will lack social skills without exposure in other places though.

In addition, it doesn't always feel like an external pressure that they need to perform highly. Its more internalized that they want to learn the next thing and master it.

Source: I was rushed through school, but everyone's situation will be different.


spoilingattack t1_j7eqk2g wrote

I assume you’re an adult? How would you feel about repeating Kindergarten?

I understand the “what about socialization” motive. The problem is this kid is so crazy smart, there’s zero chance he’d be able to relate to his peers. He will face a lifetime of difficulty because of his great intelligence. This is his burden. Holding him back won’t solve the “socialization” issue.

It’ll actually make it worse. Besides his parents have him karate and other activities that allow him to get some socializing.


janellthegreat t1_j7etw7x wrote

Can you imagine being fully able to manage high school math, yet stuck in a class of other 9 year olds still memorizing times tables? Yeah, recess is great fun, and lunch is on, but the rest?

Ideally, an accelerated student will be getting his social needs filled through sports, clubs, and other pursuits outside of school.


ZBottPrime t1_j7ensfb wrote

If he's good enough to clear all high school requirements by nine, I don't think he'll get anything positive out of the experience of staying in school. I'd hope he could find a cohort of other like minded people his age and skill level so he's not feeling isolated as he grows up.


StealthTai t1_j7esm3z wrote

If you try to force a kid to stay at the given pace they won't be challenged and just fizzle out in most cases. Most genius tier kids that didn't just give up by graduation just never learn how to properly apply effort and make the struggles much harder with whatever comes next and where your worries about having to perform highly all the time actually fits and can and will crush people. Ideally the parents of the kids will be able to still help him socialize outside of the classroom as well to help them develop those skills too, no matter what approach you take a kid will miss out on something. there's an endless amount of knowledge that can be pursued no matter how quick they absorb it, but as far as social development it just means that theirs will be unique, just like everyone's


Overthetrees8 t1_j7f086o wrote

Generally speaking you're hitting the nail on the head most people just fail to understand that school isn't about learning (mostly).

It's about social integration, social conformity, learning to do things you don't like, and learning to take orders from authority.

From what I've seen in cases like this the kids usually end up suffering long term because they fail to devolpe proper social skills. Because we learn social skills from our peers.

No one in college is going to consider this young man a peer.

It's honestly usually pretty sad.

One of the most important and hardest lessons to learn in life is that it doesn't matter if you're right it only matters if people are willing to listen.

No one is going to listen to a 9 year old the graduated highschool even if he's right. What do you think that does to someone? Nothing good that's for sure.


Goseki1 t1_j7f0ske wrote

That's all i can think too. Like i bet he's found it fun to do, and hos parents are proud of him. But realistically, is he going to be happy to leave all his friend's behind? When will he eventually get to pursue a romantic relationship (if wanted) with a girl or boy his own age?

I remember watching a documentary a while ago about gofted kids and the vast majority of them smashed through high school on their larents suggestion and then absolutely burnt out after years if studying at a level appropriate to their capabilities. I dunno, i guess it's a weird line to try and navigate, but i hope the dude doesn't burn out and end up working a shitty job be cause of it


Overthetrees8 t1_j7f1ble wrote

It's usually what happened because what people fail to constantly realize is that the thing most important in our lives are the connections we share with others. Generally those connections are the ones we create in school.

They have pretty much eliminated that possibility.

Although generally speaking a lot of people this smart are usually on the spectrum as well.

So sometimes they just don't care about human connections.


Moosetappropriate t1_j7gaujx wrote

What I learned from school socially was to keep my head down and not show my intelligence. I was smart, not this level but top few percentages. And suffered for it.


Goseki1 t1_j7gc5ld wrote

That's a fair point too really. I just guess there should be a middle grounds? Like if this kid is rushed through high school and college and gets to the end of it with degree's and things, like where was his opportunity to be a kid and unstressed and free to have more fun?


PMmeYourGiantDildo t1_j7g48s2 wrote

Real answer? Their parents push them through. Because the work of high school isn't that hard, it's just paced so that the average idiot can complete it.

I worked with a guy who was so proud that his four children all graduated from high school at 16.

Except he put them into programs so they could graduate early. It's not like they were recognized as geniuses, or anything; they just did summer school.