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Halogen12 t1_j7rxp8z wrote

Wow, she looks so much like my dear doggo boy who passed away in December. He was a shepherd/husky cross with floppy ears, just like her! So glad she got home safely. I love her face, brings back happy memories of my boy!


shiftyskellyton t1_j7s3l95 wrote

I'm so sorry about your dog.


Mundane-Ad-3142 t1_j7sppuq wrote

Might I suggest posting a positive message when someone talks about a dead family member instead of the very morbid expression "I'm sorry for your loss"

"I'm sure you created many loving memories with your boy that can be cherished forever".


Music_City_Madman t1_j7swgq0 wrote

Might I suggest not policing what expressions of sympathy people choose?


Mundane-Ad-3142 t1_j7sxvvz wrote

With your very crude logic, might I suggest for you to not police people who are policing people?

See how you have become the very thing you are asking me not to be? Quite ironic.

As for your question, no, I don't think so. Well, I don't agree with your implication that I am 'policing'. As you can see by the very first few words of my original post, I simply said "suggest".

If you feel that is 'policing', then I guess we also disagree there.

Thanks for the laughter m8


its_never2_late t1_j7supsv wrote

I think either is fine


Mundane-Ad-3142 t1_j7sy9j7 wrote

From my own personal experience, I find "so sorry for your loss" is much more of a downer to read when dealing with a loss of a loved one than the one I suggested (there are a million ways to acknowledge someone's pain with a positive message rather than a flat, depressing one).

Also, as I said to another person who commented on my post, it is merely a suggestion. It's my opinion and I'm trying to share it respectfully.


SirJebus t1_j7u2wa9 wrote

>It's my opinion and I'm trying to share it respectfully.

You are failing


rhodopensis t1_j7u6yzz wrote

More like you are failing to take it in a positive light.


kellasong t1_j7ul8bz wrote

Counterpoint, I would rather someone say a genuine ‘im sorry for your loss’ more than anything else. I actually think if someone responded to me in a positive way like you suggested, it would hurt me. I don’t want to be positive about death, I want to experience the sadness and go through it, not try to walk on the sunny side. That’s not how I prefer to grieve. I would accept the sentiment regardless, but I think you prescribing your preferred sentiments to everyone is incorrect and pretty audacious.


therjcaffeine t1_j7ux2ce wrote

I suppose that’s what you say to people who have lost a loved human, such as “I’m sure you created many loving memories with your father that can be cherished forever”

Great idea homie



gearnut t1_j7tdxr6 wrote

If there is a heaven I am sure he is getting belly rubs while being allowed to run away with links of sausages!


tartan_nikes t1_j7suusc wrote

My dog looks like this too! I have no idea what breed other than a shepherd mix. I've seen other dogs but half the size that are shepherd/hound mix. My guy is like 60 lbs. Thanks for sharing!


ryuga_knight t1_j7thwte wrote

May he Rest In Peace, and have a wonderful afterlife.