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brockwallace t1_j7t64yt wrote

K if they follow through with it, I'll buy a switch.


Flash_Fire009 t1_j7ul7n7 wrote

I don’t know too much about Nintendos current president but I do know that under Iwata they had a history of looking out for their employees even when the company was losing money. Biggest off hand example is that Iwata voluntarily took a pay cut to ensure that none of the devs or staff received one.

I’d say it’s likely that they follow up on it though prices might increase a bit on games. The new Zelda is more than the standard switch game but that could be because of content and dev time.


Rawkapotamus t1_j7uruln wrote

Honestly I get the hate behind games that should be $40 being $60. But BOTW2 absolutely isn’t a game that you won’t get $70 of entertainment out of it. I’m not going to die on a hill complaining about BOTW2 being $10 more. Pokémon remakes being $60 absolutely. Zelda? Nah


CeeArthur t1_j7v8n8a wrote

Totally. The Zelda games are usually a great value - the music, art, story, characters definitely leave an impression


Vinstaal0 t1_j7vmf73 wrote

The thing is that with taking inflation into account games haven’t increased a whole lot over the decades. There have been less budget consoles and budget first party games though.

It mostly feels more expensive, some things actually are, but hey that’s part of the flaw of kapitalism and we expecting a raise every year.


Hakuroz t1_j7vwdiw wrote

Yes, games haven’t increased in price but the amount of people who buy and play games has skyrocketed vs 10-15 years ago when it was first raised to $60. It’s not like gaming has subsided or is in a shrinking market it grows every year. So even if the baseline price hasn’t increased the profit from sales is high. Not against the $10 raise but if the promise was to get rid of all the bullshit micro transactions and etc I’d pay $80-90 for a complete game.


Vinstaal0 t1_j7w163d wrote

“Baseline price” isn’t even a real term. The amount of people who have been buying games has increased a lot yeah, but that doesn’t mean their profit per game has increased. Which is unknown for the Zelda games. If is possible that we haven’t gotten a real new Mario Kart or Mario Bross game because they are investing so heavy into Zelda. Not sure, but it would warrant the higher price.

Imo the people who are so against the price increase should just buy it second hand for less but hey


Elmodipus t1_j7uor02 wrote

Isn't that fairly common with Japanese corporations? Isn't the CEO or President seen as the guy responsible for everything so they cut their own pay as a way of accepting that responsibility?


Flash_Fire009 t1_j7up1a9 wrote

It might be, I’m no expert on Japanese business culture so I can’t say for sure.


bdd6911 t1_j9rdcdi wrote

Yeah. There was a Japanese company who sold some product (like a a snack food item, can’t recall exactly) and they made a commercial apologizing for having to raise the price from like 1.99 to 2.49…they hadn’t raised the price in 30 years. They were genuine about apologizing, entire staff was in the commercial apologizing. Love the pride involved.


Wafkak t1_j7vlzwk wrote

Also they have an insane amount of reserves. They can basically muddle around for years till they find a product that saves the..


Dradcliff2009 t1_j7uvbom wrote

$70 for ToTK doesn't sound so bad now. Im still not gonna buy it at that price, but we're close.


iBeFloe t1_j7viyrr wrote

They’ve done something similar where profits were down & the ceo took a 50% pay cut to pay employees.