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mcnello t1_j7wysw8 wrote

So let's ban oil and watch how fast the world crumbles apart.


Extension-Ad-2760 t1_j7x105w wrote

Hah, no. We're going to be sensible about it. Right now coal is collapsing, oil is stagnating, gas is slightly growing, and renewables are beginning to accelerate through the roof.

You'll notice that's in order of CO2 emissions. Highest emissions = lowest growth.

So. We're just going to keep investing in renewables and nuclear. Coal will disappear first, that's already happening. Oil will follow quite quickly after. Nuclear and renewables will replace them, there won't be any energy cuts - after all the government will be in charge of all this and the economy is always their #1 priority.

Bans won't be necessary. Oil and coal are already more expensive than renewables - they're being outcompeted.

Gas will follow after that. It'll take a while, much longer than oil or coal, but it will happen.

Coal's use to make steel is already being phased out. We'll probably continue using oil, but only to make plastic. And actually there's already a lot of well-funded research being done on how to replace that, at least partially.

So don't worry - civilisation can do just fine without oil. A lot of people are working hard on it right now.


mcnello t1_j7x1h9c wrote

But if it's illegal why aren't we banning it?


Extension-Ad-2760 t1_j7x73vf wrote

Because politics and the economy are relevant.

The objective of government should be to improve the lives of their citizens. Instantly banning oil would not do that. So instead, we started investing into things that could replace oil.

Reality isn't simple. But complicated solutions are still solutions. And fossil fuels will be replaced.


mcnello t1_j7y48lo wrote

I have absolutely nothing with getting away from oil. But you literally just said "we should fine oil companies for selling oil" and "we can't ban oil because we need it". See the contradiction? Also, I'm not sure what the crime is. Don't you think we should actually have a statute that we follow, instead of fine companies based on how we feel on Thursday? Rule of law seems to be an importantt concept.


Extension-Ad-2760 t1_j7zghea wrote

There is no contradiction. The real world is complicated, and some crimes are necessary.