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PyroTech11 t1_j7yh3e1 wrote

I know but the trend is slowly going towards renewables on the developed world at least. So to only focus on oil would be a short term goal which is not what investors would want


Superamdyn t1_j7yypq8 wrote

Even the optimistic forecasts of BEV adoption only show 10-15% of vehicles on the road being BEV by 2035.


Maleficent-Coat-7633 t1_j7yzm3q wrote

The trouble is that oil companies don't seem to think of anything but short term.


PyroTech11 t1_j7zrx9x wrote

Which is why their being sued by investors, literally what the article is about


Superamdyn t1_j82ovgs wrote

The majority of their investors are not suing them.