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Muscle_Man1993 t1_j84z15o wrote

I wouldn’t be surprised.

Did you know that muslims are the ones who put back the Jews in Jerusalem as soon as they first conquered it?

Did you know that the Moroccans were the ones who took in the Jews escaping from Spanish Inquisition?

You will find in history that Islamic rule was the most tolerant of all religions after the fall of the Persian empire, but how many people know or care about this?

Bro, I want live in a place where I can be a Muslim without the struggles that we see today or being a minority. But patience and hope in Allah is all I have now.


No-Independence828 t1_j85oyl3 wrote

Those days where lovely. What happens this days with religious tolerance and minorities in every Arab country?


Muscle_Man1993 t1_j85pf9p wrote

People are more skeptic and untrusting of anyone who is not a native.

And I can’t blame them. Look at almost every single ”ally” of the Arab nations and what they did to them. America was an ally with Iraq against Iran. Look at how that ended.

Oh, and the colonization. We can’t forget that!


rehtulx t1_j86vkay wrote

>Oh, and colonization. We can’t forget that.

Then don’t be selective with your memory—starting with Mohammad, Islam was spread primarily by warfare and colonization.


Muscle_Man1993 t1_j877og4 wrote

Common misconception.

The majority of the “Muslim” empire was not Muslim. It was under Muslim rule, but none of them were forced to be Muslim.

Islam was and is spread through reasoning and people just being convinced by it.

I don’t deny the battles, that’s just ignorant, but if you don’t know the motive behind these battles then I would suggest you properly study them before trying to claim something that doesn’t exist. They were mainly caused by self defence. The Persian empire and the Roman Empire didn’t like the new upcoming Islamic nation. Then the Byzantine empire and all the following and “coexisting” empires and nations.


[deleted] t1_j88cpxr wrote



Muscle_Man1993 t1_j88qs60 wrote

Never mentioned anything about converting from Islam. I was speaking about people who were not Muslims that they are not forced to be Muslims.


[deleted] t1_j88uw0z wrote



No-Independence828 t1_j89l2fa wrote

Guys, one thing is the Islam 1000 years ago, and another very different is today. We can see greatness in the past and analyse the reasons why everything is so fucked up now with Islam and Arab nations.


No-Independence828 t1_j85tdcp wrote

You are totally right there, the last hundred years of history and geo politics have not been kind on Arab nations. Hope one day peace and tolerance become the norm again.


israelilocal t1_j852ysc wrote

The ottomans took the most Jews after the Alhambra decree but Morocco was either 2nd or 3rd

Muslims didn't immediately restore Jewish access to Jerusalem


Muscle_Man1993 t1_j85p2g1 wrote

For Jewish access to Jerusalem, I am talking about 7th or 8th centaurs when Muslims first entered Jerusalem after taking it from the Romans.

Omar Ibn Alkhattab ordered a recently Jewish convert, to Islam, to get 80 volunteering jewish families to move into Jerusalem. Where as before, there was 0.

I haven’t looked into later history of Jerusalem and the Ottoman Empire as much, so I can’t speak about it.

The difference I am pointing out today is the killing and oppression of anyone who is not jewish in Jerusalem and Palestine and the forceful and illegal eviction. In comparison to what the Muslims did, at least in earlier centuries.

EDIT: typo.


israelilocal t1_j85qlqc wrote

Jerusalem Muslim population is growing and they still have control over al aqsa mosque dispite it being built on top of the holiest site in Judaism


Muscle_Man1993 t1_j85u518 wrote

I wonder who has their soldiers at the Alaqsa mosque and can control who gets in and out?

Population growth is irrelevant in the absence of mass genocide. I am talking about Auschwitz or Mongolian levels of genocide.

Many European countries have a decreasing population, but I don’t see them complaining of any sort of oppression from a foreign nation.


ExTelite t1_j87alv3 wrote

I am not here to fight - I'm here to talk. I was one of these soldiers controlling access to Al-Aqsa.

Our job was clear - prevent conflict and only allow MUSLIMS to pass. Countless times I've stopped Jews from entering the Mosque to prevent disorderly conduct. I, myself, can't recall even one time I've not allowed a Muslim person to enter...
We did sometimes check IDs, pretty much at random and to find people who got into Israel illegally, didn't really have anything to do with Al-Aqsa.

We did search a lot of bags. Took away flags from time to time, because that's the law here and we only enforce it. Maybe some poor kids' unusually large lunch knife because again, that's the law and we have to enforce...

But never did we restrict access for no justified reason. We were nice to the people who came and went, and a lot of them were nice to us. I remember a lot of older folk thanking us for being there.

This is not an invitation to conflict and argument - I just think that your view of this particular subject is a little different than how it actually is, and I'm open for discussion 🙂


dikembemutombo21 t1_j86svnu wrote

If you go up to 4 random people, there’s a 25% chance they’ll be a Muslim. They aren’t a minority in most of the world? Jews make up 2% of the population.


Dmatix t1_j87huz4 wrote

Jews do not make 2% of the population. There are around 15 million Jews in the world, meaning about 0.2%.


Muscle_Man1993 t1_j877zjx wrote

I meant in the specific places. Muslims are not a minority in Saudi. But they are a minority in Canada, Germany, Britain, etc.

The point I was making is that the living conditions in most Muslims countries are not good, for one reason or another. And in places where it is considered better, Muslims are a minority making it inconvenient to fully practice and enjoy Islam. I haven’t heard athan in public for some time now! Not saying necessarily that every country should have it. Just that I miss it.