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Netskimmer t1_j8mu5lt wrote

Not trying to be negative, but why does this matter? I'm sure most people know that any given job during such an operation could be done very well by a woman, so why is the fact that all of the jobs were done by women have a positive impact?


WD51 t1_j8myrsq wrote

I think it just signifies a shifting of the times and the fact that such occurrences will only become more common as women are heading into more traditionally male dominated medical subspecialties. Like they said, assignments are not purposefully made to cater to such an arrangement so both a portion of luck and a portion of growing presence of women in medicine.


Fruitboots t1_j8npfic wrote

Historical context is everything. Go back 80 years and most people would scoff at the idea of no men in the operating room. It just seems less out of the ordinary to us now because of the moment in time we're living in and how far we've come. Women had to fight to get here.


LilyWhitesN17 t1_j8oscqm wrote

Hopefully the more of this type of "breaking news", the more it becomes standard and we don't need to hear about it. I'm happy for them, and still sad that we need to have these milestones when I sent to school with some of the smartest people I've ever met, and they were all women.


GenoPax t1_j8quchi wrote

As long as they were the most skilled, best surgeons available, because that is the highest priority.


fuzzycaterpillar123 t1_j8tm159 wrote

I searched this story specifically to see the comments scoffing about the importance of this. People still deny that the historical context of the past has lasting effects on current times.

It’s like people are offended at having to acknowledge that there has been and still is gender and racial inequality in society


InFiveExFive t1_j8xoj5c wrote

Looking forward to the first women garbage collector team successfully keeping a city clean.


Mundane-Ad-3142 t1_j96g48p wrote

What happens with female surgeons who experience period cramps 12 times a year? What happens if that occurs in surgery? Oh no!