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westernmail t1_j96cukr wrote

I think the Sixties Scoop might be what OP was referring to, but it was all part and parcel of the great injustice done to indigenous people in Canada.


WikiSummarizerBot t1_j96cwdt wrote

Sixties Scoop

>The Sixties Scoop was a period in which a series of policies were enacted in Canada that enabled child welfare authorities to take, or "scoop up," Indigenous children from their families and communities for placement in foster homes, from which they would be adopted by white families. Despite its name referencing the 1960s, the Sixties Scoop began in the mid-to-late 1950s and persisted into the 1980s. It is estimated that a total of 20,000 Indigenous children were taken from their families and fostered or adopted out primarily to white middle-class families as part of the Sixties Scoop.

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