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teabagmoustache t1_j9a33w2 wrote

It used to work in England too, kids who's parents are on social benefits still get free school meals. Many more people, who aren't on social benefits, are struggling these days so free school meals for all would be the best solution.

Sadiq Kahn is the Labour Mayor of London and has a much more socialist outlook than the sitting Tory government, who decides for most of the rest of the country.


fanl t1_j9d4wrz wrote

Are you saying basic human rights shouldn’t be means tested!?

As if children should receive some sort of “universal basic ingestible”, just because they’re going to an institution specifically designed to maximise their future economic contribution to society!?

And what exactly the hell do you think you’re going to get out of doing all that? Some sort of generation of well educated, healthy and financially stable, youth, far less likely to have mental or preventable physical health issues, who don’t need to fall into a debasing repetitive cycle of criminal activity in order just to survive!?

Do you have any idea how much a scheme like this would cost the taxpayers? Cents! Maybe even tens of cents per taxpayer!! Every year!!!

Outrageous! Deplorable! Etc.

Next thing you’re going to tell me you think education should be free!! 😂🤣🤢