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BakeSomeCoolShit t1_j9gfial wrote

Holy shit that's huge for Korea. When I was there, it was still very much the idea that gays didn't exist in Korea. Nice!


pink_thieff t1_j9gqdvf wrote

same! i went there with my family about four of five years ago. there was a protest against same-sex marriage while i was there. disheartening to see and experience.


moal09 t1_j9honiq wrote

S. Korea is unique as far as east asian countries go where the majority of the population is Christian -- in part from a century of American missionary work, but also due to a lot of the fallout from the Japanese occupation during World War 2.

A conservative culture + a conservative religion means stuff like this takes a while to get going.


mayssi t1_j9j5ki5 wrote

The majority of the population in Korea aka 60% does not have a religion.


cesarmac t1_j9gxs6s wrote

I recently got into kdramas, a rare few of them are surprisingly good at delivering realistic life interactions and friend groups that you just don't see in western shows. Yet I never really noticed any kind of gay representation in the shows with the exception of one.

Decided to look it up and apparently South Korea has basically no rights for same sex couples or even gays in general. Good to hear that they are making a change.


AFatz t1_j9hwk0y wrote

I think the show Nevertheless, has a lesbian relationship, or at least they were both women by whatever denomination they go by.

Also Love to Hate You just came out and has at least 1 other lesbian couple.


GreyMooseBoost t1_j9i6jt4 wrote

Yes! I seriously teared up while watching Nevertheless when I got to that story line. It may seem small to most but progress is still great to see


AFatz t1_j9ifd66 wrote

It was better than the main relationship, which involved 2 people gaslighting each other back and forth the entire time.


cesarmac t1_j9ijnvy wrote

>gaslighting each other back and forth the entire time.

Is that not a prerequisite for like any main kdrama romance? Lol


Carazhan t1_jaeowao wrote

reality shows are starting to cover same sex relationships too, merry queer following all sorts of lgbt people and their day to day struggles on a basic level, and i forget what this dating reality show was but one of the women confessed and asked to go on a date with another of the women, and was accepted


mayssi t1_j9j5m1e wrote

There’s plenty of korean dramas with gay relationships. The genre is called bl in asia


cesarmac t1_j9j7f03 wrote

From what I can father this is a fairly new thing, not an established type of show.


Tokishi7 t1_j9iw20h wrote

Kdramas are also heavily monitored and influenced by the government. It’s one of the issues we have here is that kdramas will often come in waves from government incentives


mayssi t1_j9j5p0v wrote

Web kdramas exist and they are not heavily monitored by no government. As long as it’s profitable they film it. There is lgbt kdramas (to my star, semantic error) and even korean lgbt dating programs


Tokishi7 t1_j9jdsy3 wrote

I was more talking about the big stuff like TVN, KBS, OCN. I don’t really watch too many web dramas.


mayssi t1_j9jp8nv wrote

Honestly Netflix kdramas are the move lately. Tv dramas have too many restrictions


Giraf123 t1_j9ev5fe wrote



GlitterCoveredUdder t1_j9gwgd6 wrote

Hopefully we will see more LGBTQ ppl getting recognized and respected in Korea


sneak91 t1_j9i3fpb wrote

woooooooow!! 🎉🌈


imperialblitz t1_j9kh8dy wrote

That's one step forward. Congrats South Korea!


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King-Brisingr t1_j9j2aw6 wrote

Glad to see south Korea taking initiative and moving forward in the name of progress. Can't wait to hear the norths propaganda against the south being all gay friendly now.


[deleted] t1_j9eph3y wrote



grumpykruppy t1_j9fjbgb wrote

... What?


s-mores t1_j9ftcfb wrote

Cuckservative word salad. Just block and move on.


mCanYilmaz t1_j9fugrb wrote

What did he even tried to say?


SilentJester798 t1_j9fw0pf wrote

I think he just typed “That’s rich coming from” and let his phone decide the rest.


mCanYilmaz t1_j9fwttq wrote

Hahaha I’m going to try the same…

“That’s rich coming from you guys lol but I’m sure you’ll get it eventually lol I’m not a big deal at the end but I’m sure it’ll work well for you too.”

I think this sentence makes more sense than his comment.


Dorocche t1_j9gkpoj wrote

How can you even tell it's conservative? None of that is a recognizable talking point unless I've gotten way behind.

According to their comment history, the only two political comments I saw were anti-Proud Boys and anti-Austerity. "Minoroty religion in Nigeria" could maaaaaybe be a reference to Christianity? I'm not sure whether I hope they respond with a clarification or with more nonsense lol.


Pyro-sensual t1_j9hl3uf wrote

>How can you even tell it's conservative? None of that is a recognizable talking point unless I've gotten way behind. > >According to their comment history, the only two political comments I saw were anti-Proud Boys and anti-Austerity. "Minoroty religion in Nigeria" could maaaaaybe be a reference to Christianity? I'm not sure whether I hope they respond with a clarification or with more nonsense lol.

That manner of speech and cryptic references gave me conservative vibes as well, so I looked at their post history as well and found a racist comment about how indigenous criminals get treated better and another comment about how they like the extremely conservative satire news site, The Babylon Bee.


lordofedging81 t1_j9g9ozy wrote

Did you forget to take your meds? No one here has a clue what you're talking about!