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DanTheFatMan t1_janby3h wrote


Slag-Bear t1_jand6pu wrote

Why so?


Hobbs512 t1_janennu wrote

Not sure maybe they think you shouldn't give priority to people who willingly broke the law, regardless of how stupid the law was.

But I say give the job to the people who have the most experience. Though possesion may not be the same as growing your own.


DanTheFatMan t1_janhshr wrote

I get the laws were unjust to an extent, but you shouldn't be rewarded for having willingly broke the law while other's didn't.


Ipodtouchlurker t1_janjwui wrote

In my view they are not rewarded for breaking the law, but for unjust incarceration. For breaking the law they have already been punished.


taybay462 t1_japoqgp wrote

It was an unjust law.

Life's not fair, you're not entitled to dibs on opening marijuana dispensaries lmao. Literally no one mad about this would be affected in any way, people affected are free to compete.


Somebodycalled911 t1_janr2zs wrote

> for having willingly broke the law while other's didn't~~.~~

get caught because police were way less likely to stop, search and arrest them for simple marijuana possession, since they benefited from white and/or wealthy privilege all their life.

There, I fixed it for you :)


DanTheFatMan t1_jay3hm9 wrote

Doesn't stop it from being a crime. Hilarious to just blame white privilege whenever someone gives criticism.