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minnieboss t1_jay6few wrote

People with developmental delays and disabilities' lives are just as worthy as those without.


sj4iy t1_jaykwdt wrote

I never once said they weren’t. I have a child with autism that I love very much.

However…it’s stupid to think that every parent has the means and ability to take care of a child with even minor disabilities. Because it’s a huge strain on marriage, on finances, and on any other children the parents may have.

My husband and I have the means that care for our son, even if he never becomes independent. Not everyone does. Not everyone can afford the therapists and interventions a child may need. Not everyone can take the time off from work to take their child to various therapists. Not everyone can afford to fight the school to get their child and IEP or para or get the school to pay the tuition on a private school that would help their child more.

My son had relatively mild disabilities and it has been very difficult. My husband and I are lucky, that we have the ability to help him. But not everyone is able to. And that should be acknowledged.