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crown_valley t1_javyzy7 wrote

A man with a full time job cannot afford to exist, and a child steps in to help. Consider me uplifted.

This is r/orphancrushingmachine material.


cliff99 t1_jaxjmg5 wrote

Yep, not uplifting at all.


tiduz1492 t1_jayop68 wrote

they call it the "new normal" we all gotta just accept it...


SleepyVice t1_jawfjm8 wrote

I wish the mods would enforce a rule of no orphan crushing. Half of the things posted on this subreddit is bittersweet rather than actually uplifting.

But alas, the orphans must be crushed.


lcbzoey t1_jazirp6 wrote

For real, this sub has become incredibly depressing. I'm one more crushed orphan from unsubbing. I get the whole, we live in soul-crushing dystopia thing but do we really need that reinforced here, too?


BringMeInfo t1_jb03kaw wrote

This story was posted a day earlier and mods quickly removed it. Not sure why it got a pass this time.


gif_smuggler t1_jay4lcj wrote

My father’s father and his father’s father crushed orphans their entire lives and I’m proud to be carrying on that tradition.


FireBrentVenables t1_jazaafj wrote

I wish the mods actually enforced the “no cynicism” rule. Of fucking course it sucks the man was struggling, nobody is celebrating that. The celebration is for the fundraising, unless you and the other 60 NPCs weren’t coded to read beyond surface-level cynicism.


BuddingViolette t1_javz845 wrote

"Man working a full time job in the service industry cannot support themselves/ their family"

Fixed it.


Kersenn t1_jaxiu6q wrote

For real, stories like this are not uplifting. It does make me happy this kid was willing and able to help, but kids aren't who should be solving these issues...


BuddingViolette t1_jaxscil wrote

For sure! That child has a good heart and my biggest feel good from that narrative is just that.


FullOfVitaminC t1_javyuea wrote

That’s not uplifting at all. Someone shouldn’t have to rely on charity if they work.


flydutchsquirrel t1_javqx08 wrote

Is that really Uplifting?


BringMeInfo t1_jawtg6g wrote

This story is downpushing AF


chris14020 t1_jaxq9s8 wrote

Ah, someone's ability to survive depended not on doing their job, but social lottery and the whim of a child. How uplifting. Boy I sure hope some day not the company I work for, but a literal child, will decide I'm worthy of being able to make ends meet.

I'd love to see something that isn't capitalistic horrors reframed as wholesome news.


fenrslfr t1_jay3lg1 wrote

Highlight that the United States continues to underpay their workers is not uplifting news. Also it is not uplifting news that a kid raised 30k for him, that should be a slap in the face to everyone that we need to do something about this shit so it doesn't continue.


maraca101 t1_jay5svc wrote

30k isn’t much if the situation itself isn’t getting better.


random_encounters42 t1_jay9zt0 wrote

Or we could just tax the rich properly and not rely on the generosity of strangers.


Duo_Decimal t1_jawoqxr wrote

Fuck the Washington Post.


Exelbirth t1_jayp9zz wrote

Newspaper owned by one of the world's richest people promoting children working to support struggling adults, go figure.


Hotdogbrain t1_jaz2gpn wrote

Exactly how often is this kid eating out to have a “favorite waiter?”


DeadweightUwU t1_jaygr5q wrote

I think a lot of people in this sub do not understand what uplifiting news are


AutoModerator t1_javql7u wrote

Reminder: this subreddit is meant to be a place free of excessive cynicism, negativity and bitterness. Toxic attitudes are not welcome here.

All Negative comments will be removed and will possibly result in a ban.

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


Envenger t1_jayrwee wrote

Oh how uplifting, i am sure his lide is going to turn arround and hw wonr have to survive based on charity in future.


DFuel t1_jaze44x wrote

This is really great don't get me wrong. But there are so many poor people /People who are struggling in the world so what is it about fundraisers that get people to act? Is this a platform for people to make themselves feel good about themselves and feel they have to remind themselves that they are morally "good"? Because it shouldn't take a fundraiser for someone to spend their money on something "good". It just doesn't add up for me.


dw4321 t1_jazq461 wrote

Breaking news, government fails its job, little child steps in to help.


Suspicious_Diver4234 t1_jazv3mr wrote

That's an amazing act of kindness! It's wonderful to hear about young people understanding the importance of helping others in need.


111one11 t1_jawnqh4 wrote

If you Can’t survive working 37,5 hour week- move the fuck out of your country…treating working class as slaves🤬


Distinct-List-735 t1_jawvhkb wrote

How are you going to leave your country if you can't live off a paycheck? Are you for real?


Jorycle t1_jaxfrbi wrote

If you pull your bootstraps hard enough, you'll achieve flight!


juicebox02 t1_javx0n7 wrote

Here comes r/antiwork and r/latestagecapitalism


meggachaddd t1_jaw8tch wrote

Children should be raising money for most of the adult population, its only natural


SleepyVice t1_jawf7a1 wrote

I’m confused. Are you saying it’s not applicable?


Mr_Paper t1_jawexnm wrote

Maybe they have a point in situations like this.