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imsupertriggerd t1_jawd1eo wrote

They just need to make it federally legal at this point like come on man


SpinozaTheDamned t1_jawhqqw wrote

I suspect there's whole departments related to prosecuting cannabis right now. Lawyers are really good at not loosing their jobs, so I think what needs to happen now is make it really difficult to secure a conviction for cannabis. Disincentivize law enforcement from relying on these kinds of convictions as part of their normal jobs, but allow time for everyone to transition away from that role. Then, after cannabis convictions only form a small part of general law enforcement, bring down the legalization hammer and provide retirement packages for any law enforcement and legal staff, purging records of those convicted on that specific crime, and provide states with universal guidelines on regulation when legalizing cannabis.


SadSausageFinger t1_jay1bec wrote

Fuck them. Fuck their jobs. Find something worthwhile to fight.


ScryForHelp t1_jaygn7j wrote

Based. War on Drugs is a fucking scam anyway. If they cared about drugs in the first place they'd have gone after the gov agency funding wars and destabilizing with crack and heroin at the american citizens expense


SlammingPussy420 t1_jayx3if wrote

The war on drugs was a war against the bad guys selling drugs. Not the good guys selling drugs.


headphonz t1_jb7hy7e wrote

There is absolutely nothing stopping the US from invading Mexico or Columbia. No different than Iraq, Syria or Afghanistan. They just don't want to.


[deleted] t1_jax4ja5 wrote



stopmutations t1_jax9oie wrote

I dont think lawyers are the ones keeping weed illegal. It would be the prisons, police or alcohol/drug industries with more to profit than lawyers who practice specifically against weed.


BlazingSpaceGhost t1_jaz2o9k wrote

Cory Booker's statement very much depends on where you are at in the country. As a white man from Indiana it is most definitely not legalized for anyone in Indiana. I have several friends both white and non-white that have faced possession charges.


EmeraldGlimmer t1_jax47cq wrote

>Lawyers are really good at not loosing their jobs,

Loose jobs are the worst.


Acceptable-Seaweed93 t1_jay992s wrote

Sounds like a great way to appease fascists for decades for the sake of appeasing fascists.


pipsdontsqueak t1_jaynvpb wrote

Arresting maybe, not prosecuting unless it happens to be popular to be anti-marijuana in the jurisdiction. Weed charges tend to be tacked on otherwise, it's not really worth the effort to prosecute someone over simple possession of marijuana most places.


MultifariAce t1_jaz2j3f wrote

Look what it took for that Murtaugh guy to lose his job.


Lallo-the-Long t1_jazfs3u wrote

I really don't think that most lawyers stay out of work for very long. They'll be fine. Law enforcement officers can be retasked remarkably easily too.


djollied4444 t1_jayo6ze wrote

Don't worry Sen Chuck Schumer has said this is a priority of his, especially now that NY has legalized. Which means we can probably expect it sometime soon under another senate majority leader.


Thadak60 t1_jb11tkj wrote

Until good ol' Mitch Mcconnell spreads the word of how that reefer makes the darks want to sleep with white women... /s (I hope)