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Mythulhu t1_jb91sge wrote

Next step. Put in more public transit for those that can use it. Individual cars are a huge waste


piper4hire t1_jba4f97 wrote

I would add that the focus should be on making public transit better than driving your car. I live in a large city with public transportation but driving is still the better option for most. I work only 2.5 miles from my house. I can drive there in 8 minutes or take public transportation there in 45 minutes.


The_Blue_Adept t1_jbaugi7 wrote

There was a movie back in the day. Sneakers. Dude was building a mass transportation system. His girl at the time says "But I love my car." It kind of sums up the American view give or take. Go with public transport and suffer or go in my car and do things how I want.


Phalex t1_jbbwfpw wrote

One two ton vehicle to transport one pair of buttocks in a luxury.