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ialsoagree t1_jbjmvvl wrote

People choose to join the KKK or wear Nazi paraphernalia.

People don't choose to be gay or their gender. These things are influenced by biology.

We grant protections to people based on things they can't control, like age, race, or where they were born.


[deleted] t1_jbjofof wrote



HeroscaperGuy t1_jbjp2ze wrote

Ah yes, all the people I know chose to be gay so they'd get kicked out of their homes and excommunicated.


ialsoagree t1_jbjrebj wrote

So you're only straight because you're choosing to be straight?

I have news for you, you're probably gay.

I'm straight, but I didn't choose to be. Just don't find the same sex attractive.


DreadMaximus t1_jbjv5ln wrote

Hey, don't speak so quickly. They could be Bi or Pan or maybe even Asexual and they just think they're straight because that's what society tells them to be


Lunimei t1_jbkgs7z wrote

Happened to me! Lol 30 years of denial on why being close to my other woman friends made me awkward... Turns out I'm Bi and everyone's hot!!