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[deleted] t1_jbjt1qp wrote



Rhoeri t1_jbkfyqe wrote

And reading that you’re sad made me happy. So it balances out.


citytiger OP t1_jbju1jw wrote

how isn't it uplifting? Why does it make you sad?


[deleted] t1_jbjuy3h wrote



ohheyisayokay t1_jbk0jin wrote

Yeah? There a clause in there that says you can't go to church? Can't pray? Can't read your Bible or have Christmas off?

In fact, is there a clause in there that actually affects the actual practice of your religion in any way?


dragonbeast1122 t1_jbjwpd5 wrote

How does this violate religious freedom?


[deleted] t1_jbjwuvo wrote



ohheyisayokay t1_jbk11cy wrote

Sorry, do you think "religious freedom" means you can do whatever you want, regardless of its effects on others, so long as you shout "religion!" when you do it?

Think really carefully if you want that to be the case, and remember alllll the different religions out there and what people have used them to justify.

Have you never heard the expression "your right to swing your arm ends at your neighbor's face"?


[deleted] t1_jbk1ww8 wrote



ohheyisayokay t1_jbk9cbm wrote

Do you ever answer questions, or just dodge them and ask another?

Religious freedom means that you have the right to believe whatever it is you believe and worship however you wish to worship, so long as it doesn't trample on the liberties and sovereignty of others.

You may absolutely believe from your religious teachings that Black people should be discriminated against. You may not, however, refuse to hire Black people based on that belief.

You may believe that women are objects and belong to their husbands. That does not supercede their right to autonomy and give you permission to rape or beat them.

So in summary, "religious freedom" means you can believe and practice any faith, but you cannot force others to participate in your practicing thereof or violate any existing rights of others for the purposes of your religion.


erbkeb t1_jbk4snc wrote

Sharia Law shall reign supreme in the US!


[deleted] t1_jbk71lt wrote



ohheyisayokay t1_jbk85li wrote

Hahahahahaha, what?! No, of course it isn't. You want to be able to inflict your religious beliefs and practices on others and that's exactly what Sharia law is.


erbkeb t1_jbk8633 wrote

Absolutely not. It is a fundamental principle of a specific religion that is widely practiced throughout the world. You want religious freedom without conditions? Sharia Law should then be allowed in the US.

The ironic thing is that if Jesus were here today he would want those that are persecuted and hated to be welcomed and supported by his followers but that’s a conversation a significant number of Christians don’t want to have.


dragonbeast1122 t1_jbjxe58 wrote

That's not an answer... I'm asking specifically what parts violate religious freedom.


[deleted] t1_jbk1sqj wrote



ohheyisayokay t1_jbkax04 wrote

>Forcing a person to accept a theory as a law is the same as forcing a religion onto them

He says as he laments that it is harder to force his religion into people now.

And I see what you're trying to do by inaccurately labeling homosexuality "a theory." But "theory" doesn't mean "thing I don't want to accept."

Actual scientific research leaves no doubt that sexuality isn't a choice. You don't have to accept it, it's just there.

And frankly, nobody cares if you accept that or not. This law doesn't force you to believe anything. You can still be as bigoted as you want when it comes to LGBTQ issues. Hell, you can still be a racist! But you can't discriminate against people based on race or sexual identity.

They don't get to discriminate against you, you don't get to discriminate against them. If you don't like equality, you're living in the wrong country.


dragonbeast1122 t1_jbk513a wrote

No where in this bill does it force someone to accept anything.

It just adds sexual orientation and gender identity to the list of protected classes. Meaning you can't fire, refuse to hire, or deny service or housing to someone, and use gender identity, or sexual orientation as your reason. Religion is also one of these protected classes. So I can't fire someone just for believing in the Flying Spaghetti Monster for the same reason I can't fire someone for being Gay.

You don't have to like them, agree with them, or support them, you just can't fire them for it.


[deleted] t1_jbk6szd wrote



dragonbeast1122 t1_jbk8k74 wrote

I need a little bit of clarification, why is what a problem?

Previously gender identity and sexual orientation were only protected because of Supreme Court precedent, and unfortunately we have learned that those are not permanent under this current court. This bill is the Michigan government saying "We don't care if the Supreme Court overturns their previous rulings, we are keeping it"


hollowkatt t1_jbjy5o2 wrote

Honestly fuck your religious freedom. You can worship your god all you want but you're not allowed to be a bigot and if your god demands bigotry get a fucking better god because that one is shit.

LGBTQIA+ people exist and that's enough for the Christofascists to call for genocide. Why is it hard to live and let live? That's what Christ taught, live up to that, not this bullshit bigotry.